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Python Program To Check For the Perfect Square

Last Updated on July 4, 2023 by Mayank Dham

A perfect square number is an integer that can be expressed as the square of another integer. In other words, it is the product of an integer multiplied by itself. Perfect square numbers have unique properties and are often used in mathematics and various applications. Understanding perfect square numbers can provide insights into patterns, relationships, and calculations in mathematical contexts.

What is Perfect Square?

A perfect square is an integer that can be expressed as the square of another integer. In other words, it is the product of an integer multiplied by itself. For example, 4, 9, 16, and 25 are perfect squares because they can be written as 2^2, 3^2, 4^2, and 5^2, respectively. Perfect squares have unique properties and are commonly encountered in mathematics and related fields.

Ways to check for the perfect square
We have different methods to check for the perfect square or not.

Method 1: Using the math module’s sqrt() function

To determine the square root of an integer, use the sqrt() function from the math module. If the matching value of the number’s square root is an integer, the number is said to be a perfect square.
We import the math module first, and then we give the num variable a value. The square root of num is then determined using the sqrt() function. We output a message stating that the given number is a perfect square if the computed square root value is an integer. We publish a notice to that effect if the number is not a perfect square.


import math  
num = 25  
sqrt_num = math.sqrt(num)  
if sqrt_num.is_integer():  
    print("The number is a perfect square")  
    print("The number is not a perfect square")

The number is a perfect square

Method 2: Using the ** operator

To determine if a number is a perfect square or not, use the "**" operator, which computes the value of a number raised to a specific power.


num = 25  
sqrt_num = int(num**0.5)  

if sqrt_num**2==num:  
    print("The number is a perfect square")  
    print("The number is not a perfect square")

The number is a perfect square

Method 3: use of the integer division operator //

To determine whether a number is a perfect square by using the integer division operator.


def is_perfect_square(n):  
    i = 1  
    while i * i <= n:  
        if i * i == n:  
            return True  
        i += 1  
    return False  

The number is a perfect square

Method 4: Using Binary Search

Binary search is a powerful and efficient algorithm used to find a specific target value in a sorted list or array. It follows a divide-and-conquer approach, continually dividing the search space in half until the target value is found or determined to be absent.


def is_perfect_square(n):  
    left, right = 0, n  
    while left <= right:  
        mid = (left + right) // 2  
        if mid * mid == n:  
            return True  
        elif mid * mid < n:  
            left = mid + 1  
            right = mid - 1  
    return False  


Python provides us with efficient methods to check if a number is a perfect square. By utilizing the math module and the isqrt() function, we can determine if the square root of a number is an integer. Additionally, we can employ simple mathematical operations and conditional statements to implement our own solution for checking perfect squares. With these tools at our disposal, we can confidently handle perfect square evaluations in Python.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1: How can I check if a number is a perfect square in Python?
To check if a number is a perfect square in Python, you can use the math module and the isqrt() function. First, import the math module at the beginning of your code. Then, use the isqrt() function to find the integer square root of the number. Finally, compare the square of the integer square root with the original number. If they are equal, then the number is a perfect square.

Q2: Can I check if a number is a perfect square without using the math module?
Yes, you can check if a number is a perfect square without using the math module. One approach is to loop through all numbers from 1 to the given number and check if the square of each number matches the original number. If a match is found, then the number is a perfect square. This method works well for smaller numbers, but it may not be efficient for larger numbers.

Q3: How do I handle floating-point numbers when checking for perfect squares?
When checking for perfect squares, you typically deal with whole numbers. If you encounter a floating-point number, you can round it to the nearest whole number using the round() function or convert it to an integer using the int() function before performing the perfect square check. This ensures that the number is treated as a whole number during the evaluation.

Q4: What happens if I pass a negative number to the perfect square check?
In Python, if you pass a negative number to the perfect square check, it will always return False. This is because the square root of a negative number is not a real number and, therefore, cannot be an integer. If you need to handle negative numbers as well, you can add an additional check to exclude them from the perfect square evaluation or consider complex numbers if they are relevant to your application.

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