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Which operator cannot be overloaded in C++

Last Updated on August 18, 2023 by Mayank Dham

In the realm of C++, operator overloading empowers programmers to redefine the behavior of operators for user-defined classes, enhancing the language’s flexibility and expressiveness. However, not all operators can be overloaded. This article delves into the intriguing concept of operator overloading and unveils the operators that elude this customization. By understanding the reasons behind these limitations, you’ll gain deeper insights into C++’s design principles and discover how to work around these constraints. Join us on this journey to uncover the non overloadable operators in C++.

Operator Overloading in C++

C++ supports operator overloading, which means that operators such as +, -, *, /, and many others can be redefined for user-defined types. This feature allows objects to perform operations using these operators as if they were built-in types. For example, with operator overloading, you can add two objects of a custom class using the + operator, concatenate strings using the + operator, or compare objects using the == operator.

Limitations of Operator Overloading

Although operator overloading provides flexibility and convenience, there are some considerations. These constraints ensure the language’s consistency and safety. Some of the most common limitations are as follows:

1. Overloading is only allowed for existing operators:

In C++, operator overloading is limited to the language’s predefined set of operators. You cannot create new operators or overload operators with different functionality. For user-defined types, you can only change the behavior of existing operators.

2. Overloaded operators must retain their original semantics:

When overloading an operator, you must ensure that the new behavior is consistent with the original semantics of the operator. For example, overloading the + operator for a custom class should still perform addition-like operations and not some unrelated action.

3. Precedence and associativity cannot be changed:

Operator overloading does not allow you to change the precedence or associativity of operators. The original precedence and associativity defined by the language remain the same even after overloading the operator.

4. Some operators cannot be overloaded:

C++ restricts the overloading of a few operators to maintain language consistency and avoid ambiguity. One such operator that cannot be overloaded is the "member selection" operator (".") used to access members of a class or structure. This limitation ensures that the syntax for accessing members remains consistent across all objects.

The Non-Overloadable Operator: "." (Member Selection Operator)

The "." operator is a fundamental operator in C++ used to access members of a class or structure. It provides direct access to the members and is an essential part of the language’s syntax. Due to its critical role in accessing members, the "." operator cannot be overloaded.

The member selection operator is used in the form of object.member to access member variables and member functions of a class or structure. It allows direct access to individual members without requiring any additional method calls or syntax.

For example:

class Example {
    int value;
    void printValue() {
        cout << "Value: " << value << endl;

int main() {
    Example obj;
    obj.value = 10;
    obj.printValue(); // Output: Value: 10
    return 0;

In the above code snippet, the "." operator is used to access the value member variable and the printValue() member function of the Example class.

Besides this “.” operator, given below is the list of which operator cannot be overloaded.

List of Operators That Cannot Be Overloaded in C++

The list of operators which cannot be overloaded is as follows:

  1. Conditional or Ternary Operator (?:) cannot be overloaded.
  2. Size of Operator (sizeof) cannot be overloaded.
  3. Scope Resolution Operator (::) cannot be overloaded.
  4. Class member selector Operator (.) cannot be overloaded.
  5. Member pointer selector Operator (.*) cannot be overloaded.
  6. Object type Operator (typeid) cannot be overloaded.

Understanding operator overloading is a significant aspect of mastering object-oriented programming in languages like C++. While many operators can be overloaded to provide custom behaviors for user-defined types, certain operators are restricted from being overloaded. These limitations are in place to maintain the integrity of the language, prevent ambiguity, and ensure that fundamental language constructs remain consistent across different contexts. By grasping the rationale behind these limitations and utilizing the operators that can be overloaded effectively, developers can write more concise, expressive, and maintainable code.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Sure! Here are five unique frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to the article on operator overloading in C++:

Q1. Can I create my own operators in C++ and overload them?
No, C++ does not allow you to create new operators. Operator overloading is limited to the predefined set of operators provided by the language. You can only redefine the behavior of existing operators for user-defined types.

Q2. Why is it important to retain the original semantics of an overloaded operator?
Retaining the original semantics of an overloaded operator is crucial for code clarity and consistency. It ensures that the behavior of the operator remains intuitive and familiar to other developers. Modifying the semantics might lead to confusion and unexpected behavior in code using the operator.

Q3. Can I change the precedence or associativity of operators when overloading them?
No, operator overloading does not allow you to change the precedence or associativity of operators. The original precedence and associativity defined by the language remain the same even after overloading the operator. This limitation ensures a consistent evaluation of expressions.

Q4. Which operator cannot be overloaded in C++ and why?
The operator that cannot be overloaded in C++ is the "member selection" operator (".") used to access members of a class or structure. This operator plays a crucial role in the language's syntax for accessing members and cannot be redefined to maintain consistency across objects.

Q5.Are there any alternative ways to achieve custom functionality for member access in C++?
Yes, if you need custom functionality for member access, you can define member functions within your class to provide controlled access to members. These member functions can encapsulate complex operations or enforce certain conditions when accessing or modifying members, providing an alternative approach to customization beyond operator overloading.

Q6: Is overloading the subscript ([]) operator possible?
Yes, the subscript ([]) operator can be overloaded in C++. This allows you to provide custom behavior for accessing elements in user-defined types, such as classes representing containers or matrices.

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