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Is Python Case Sensitive?

Last Updated on May 18, 2023 by Prepbytes

Python, known for its simplicity and versatility, has become one of the most popular programming languages in the world. Aspiring programmers and seasoned developers alike often wonder about Python’s case sensitivity, a fundamental characteristic of many programming languages. In this article, we will delve into the question: Is Python case sensitive? We will explore the nuances of case sensitivity in Python and understand how it affects variable names, function calls, and other elements of Python code. By gaining a clear understanding of Python’s case sensitivity rules, programmers can avoid potential errors and write more efficient and readable code. So let’s dive into the world of Python and uncover the truth behind its case sensitivity.

What is Case-Sensitive?

When referring to computing, the term "case sensitive" describes the capacity to recognize uppercase and lowercase letters in a string of text. In a case-sensitive system, "hello" and "Hello" would be regarded as different strings, however, they would be viewed the same in a case-insensitive system. While some file systems and programming languages take case sensitivity into account, others do not.

Python is a case-sensitive language, for instance.

Is Python Case Sensitive when Dealing with Identifiers?

Yes, while working with identifiers, Python pays attention to cases. This means that the Python interpreter treats the terms "name," "Nam," and "NAME" as three distinct identifiers. When creating your identifiers, it’s critical to be consistent and follow a naming standard in order to keep your code organized, legible, and manageable.

The case is taken into consideration when naming variables, functions, and keywords in Python. The variable "myCar," for instance, is distinct from "mycar" or "myCaR". Identifiers are the name of this variable.

Additionally, function names are case-sensitive; in Python, "print()" and "Print()" are two separate functions.

Python keywords like "if", "else", and "while" should always be written in lowercase characters because they are case sensitive.

The lower() and upper() functions can be used to change the default case-insensitivity of strings in Python, which is case-insensitive by default.

As a result, while working with identifiers, Python is a case-sensitive language.

Rules for Identifiers in Python

  • Since keywords are reserved, they cannot be used as identifiers.
  • The name of the identifier cannot start with a number.
  • Each identifier must have a distinct name within the same scope.
  • Any digit, character, or underscore can come after the first character in an identifier, which must always begin with an alphabet or an underscore.
  • The length of an identifier name is not capped.
  • Python identifier names are case-sensitive, thus both ‘car’ and ‘Car’ will work.
  • Would receive different treatment
  • ‘#’, ‘@’, ‘$’, and ‘%’ are prohibited from being used as special characters in identifiers.

Examples of Python Identifiers

Some examples of valid and invalid identifiers

Valid Identifiers

These are the valid identifier

  • schoolname It contains only lowercase alphabets.
  • Name_school It contains only ‘_’ as a special character.
  • Roll1 Here, the numeric digit comes at the end.
  • roll_2 It starts with lowercase and ends with a digit.
  • _myname Contains lowercase alphabets and an underscore and It starts with an underscore ‘_’

Invalid Identifiers

These are the invalid identifier

  • for it is a keyword
  • 1name It begins with a digit
  • \$god It starts with a special character
  • a b it contains a blank space
  • a/b and a+b contain special character

Best Practices for Naming Python Identifier

Python is a case-sensitive language, as we all know.An identifier in Python is the name that is assigned to a variable, function, class, or other object. When naming identifiers in Python, there are a few norms that must be followed to:

  • Only letters, numbers, and underscores are permitted in Python identifiers. They need to be introduced with a letter or underscore.
  • Python keywords and identifiers cannot be the same.
  • Due to the case-sensitivity of Python Identifiers, "My" is distinct from "mY" or "my."
  • Python identifiers ought to be evocative and significant. For instance, "x" is a poor choice for a variable name, whereas "student_name" is more descriptive.
  • Lowercase letters and underscores should be used to separate words in Python identifiers. Show_case is the name given to this convention.
  • The use of spaces and special characters in an identifier name is not advised.
  • Except for temporary variables, it’s advisable to steer clear of single-letter variable names.
  • Some library/module names also follow the same naming conventions, it is a good practice to follow the same for your identifier.

By following these conventions, your code will be more readable and maintainable, which makes it easier for others to understand and modify.

In conclusion, we have explored the question of whether Python is case-sensitive and gained a comprehensive understanding of its case sensitivity rules. Python is indeed a case-sensitive programming language, meaning that it distinguishes between lowercase and uppercase letters in variable names, function calls, and other identifiers.

Understanding Python’s case sensitivity is crucial for writing error-free and maintainable code. Failing to adhere to the correct case when referencing variables or calling functions can result in unexpected errors and bugs. By following the consistent use of uppercase and lowercase letters according to Python’s rules, programmers can enhance code clarity and facilitate collaboration with other developers.


Q1. What does it mean for Python to be case sensitive?
Ans. Being case sensitive means that Python distinguishes between uppercase and lowercase letters. It treats "foo" and "FOO" as two different identifiers.

Q2. Are variable names case sensitive in Python?
Ans. Yes, variable names in Python are case sensitive. For example, "myVariable" and "myvariable" are considered as two distinct variables.

Q3. Does Python treat function names as case sensitive?
Ans. Yes, function names are also case sensitive in Python. If you define a function as "myFunction" and attempt to call it as "myfunction", Python will throw an error.

Q4. Can I mix case sensitivity within a variable name?
Ans. Yes, you can use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters within a variable name in Python. For example, "myVariableName" is a valid variable name.

Q5. Are module names case sensitive in Python?
Ans. Yes, module names in Python are case sensitive. If you import a module as "myModule" and attempt to reference it as "mymodule," Python will raise an error.

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