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Static Variable in C

Last Updated on April 20, 2023 by Prepbytes

In the C programming language, variables play a crucial role in storing data values that can be used throughout the program. Among the different types of variables available, the static variable in C is one of the most commonly used ones. This article aims to provide a detailed overview of a static variable in C, including its syntax, properties of a static variable in C, differences from global variables, and some use cases of a static variable in C. So, without any further delay, let’s move on to our next section.

What is Static Variable in C?

A static variable in C is a special type of variable that has its value stored in memory for the entire lifespan of a program. The value of a static variable is initialized only once at the time of program loading and it retains its value until the program terminates.

When a static variable in C is declared, the compiler allocates memory for it in a data segment instead of a stack, which is used for automatic variables. This means that the value of a static variable persists between function calls, unlike automatic variables that disappear once the function call completes.

A static variable can have either global or local scope. When declared inside a function, a static variable retains its value between function calls. On the other hand, when declared outside any function, it becomes a global variable and can be accessed by all functions in the program.

Syntax of Static Variable in C

The syntax for declaring a static variable in C programming language is as follows:

static data_type variable_name;

In this syntax, "data_type" refers to the data type of the variable being declared (e.g., int, float, double, etc.), and "variable_name" is the name given to the variable.

For example, to declare a static integer variable named "count", we use the following statement:

static int count;

Properties of Static Variable in C

The properties of static variables in the C programming language are as follows:

  1. Lifetime: A static variable has a lifetime that extends throughout the entire execution of the program.
  2. Scope: A static variable can have either global or local scope. If declared inside a function, it has local scope and if declared outside of any function, it becomes a global variable.
  3. Memory allocation: A static variable’s memory is allocated in the data segment of the program’s memory, rather than the stack.
  4. Initialization: A static variable is initialized only once during program execution, at the time of program loading.
  5. Default initialization: If a static variable is not explicitly initialized, it is automatically initialized to zero (0) or NULL, depending on its data type.
  6. Thread safety: Static variables are not thread-safe by default. If multiple threads access the same static variable simultaneously, it can lead to race conditions and unexpected behavior.

Examples of Static Variable in C

Below are examples demonstrating the use of a static variable in C.

  1. Local Scope Static Variable in C
    Here is an example of using a local scope static variable in C:

    Code Implementation:

    #include <stdio.h>
    void countCalls(void);
    int main()
       return 0;
    void countCalls(void)
       static int count = 0;   // static variable
       printf("Function has been called %d times\n", count);


    Function has been called 1 times
    Function has been called 2 times
    Function has been called 3 times

    Explanation: In this example, the countCalls() function uses a static variable named count. The count variable is initialized to 0 when the program is loaded, and its value persists between function calls. Each time the countCalls() function is called, the value of the count is incremented and printed to the console.

  2. Global Scope Static Variable in C
    Here is an example of using a global static variable in C:

    Code Implementation:

    #include <stdio.h>
    static int count = 0;   // global static variable
    void countCalls(void);
    int main()
       return 0;
    void countCalls(void)
       printf("Function has been called %d times\n", count);


    Function has been called 1 times
    Function has been called 2 times
    Function has been called 3 times

    Explanation: In this example, the count variable is declared as a global static variable outside of any function, meaning it can be accessed and modified by any function in the file. The countCalls() function increments the count variable each time it is called and prints its value to the console.

Difference Between Static Global and Static Local Variable

Here is the table showing the difference between static global and static local variables in C:

Property Static Global Variable Static Local Variable
Declaration Declared outside of any function. Declared inside a function.
Scope Visible and accessible to all functions in the file. Visible and accessible only within the function where it is declared.
Lifetime Created when the program starts and exists until the program terminates. Created when the function is first called and exists until the program terminates.
Multiple Declarations Can be declared multiple times, but only one instance exists across all files. Can be declared multiple times, but only one instance exists within the function where it is declared.

Uses of Static Variable in C

Here are some common uses of a static variable in C:

  1. Maintaining state across function calls – By retaining their values between function calls, static variables can be used to maintain state information, such as counting the number of times a function has been called or tracking the progress of a loop.
  2. Caching frequently accessed data – Static variable in C can be used to store data that is expensive to compute and frequently accessed, such as the result of a complex calculation or the contents of a file.
  3. Sharing data between related functions – Global static variable in C can be used to share data between related functions within a file, without exposing the data to other files.
  4. Implementing persistent storage – Static variable in C can be used to store data across program executions, allowing the program to resume where it left off after being shut down.
  5. Improving performance – By retaining their values between function calls, static variables can reduce the amount of time and resources needed to compute a value or perform an operation.

In conclusion, the static variable in C is an important feature. It allows for the creation of variables that persist throughout the program’s execution, reducing the need for recomputing values and optimizing performance. While they can be useful, it’s important to keep in mind the potential issues that can arise when using static variables in a multi-threaded environment or when accessing them outside of their defined scope. Overall, understanding the properties and proper usage of static variables is key to writing efficient and effective C code.


Here are some frequently asked questions on a static variable in C.

Q1: Can we modify a static variable in C by another function?
Ans: Yes, a static variable in C can be modified by any function that has access to it.

Q2: Can we access a static variable in C outside of the function in which it is defined?
Ans: No, a static variable in C can only be accessed within the scope in which it is defined.

Q3: Can we use a static variable in a multi-file program?
Ans: Yes, a static variable in C can be used in a multi-file program as long as it is declared in a header file and included in all source files that use it.

Q4: What is the difference between a constant variable and a static variable in C?
Ans: A static variable’s value can be modified during program execution, while a constant variable’s value cannot be modified.

Q5: How can I ensure thread safety when dealing with static variables in a multi-threaded environment?
Ans: To ensure thread safety, you can use synchronization techniques like mutexes or semaphores to ensure that only one thread can access the static variable at a time.

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