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strcat() Function in C

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by Ankit Kochar

In the realm of programming languages, C has stood the test of time as a powerful and versatile language. One of its fundamental features is its string manipulation functions, and among them, strcat() holds a significant position. Short for "string concatenate," strcat() plays a crucial role in combining strings seamlessly. This article delves into the intricacies of the strcat() function in C, exploring its syntax, applications, and best practices. Whether you’re a seasoned C programmer or a novice, understanding this function is essential for efficient string handling.

What is the strcat() Function in C?

The strcat function in C is a built-in function that is used to concatenate two strings. In simpler terms, it takes two strings as input and combines them to form a single string. It is declared in the string.h header file and is widely used in software development and programming.

Syntax of strcat() Function in C

The syntax of the strcat function in C programming language is as follows:

char *strcat(char *destination, const char *source);

In the above syntax, pointers are used, or simply put the syntax can be as follows :


Parameters of strcat() Function in C

The strcat function in C programming language takes two parameters:

  • destination: This is a pointer to the string where the concatenated string is to be stored. It should have enough memory allocated to store the concatenated string. The destination string is modified by the function.
  • source: This is a pointer to the string that is to be concatenated. It is the string that will be appended to the destination string. The source string is not modified by the function. It is specified as a constant pointer to indicate that the function will not modify the source string.

Return Value of strcat() Function in C

The strcat() function in C programming language returns a pointer to the destination string, which is the same as the first parameter of the function.

This means that the function modifies the destination string and returns a pointer to the beginning of the concatenated string. This makes it easy to use the concatenated string in other parts of the program.

One important thing to note is that if the destination string is not large enough to hold the concatenated string, the behavior of the function is undefined. So, it is essential to ensure that the destination string has enough memory allocated before calling the strcat() function.

Implementation of strcat() Function in C

Here is an example of how to implement the strcat function in C programming language:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
   char str1[20] = "Hello ";
   char str2[20] = "PrepBytes!";

   strcat(str1, str2);

   printf("Concatenated string: %s\n", str1);

   return 0;


Concatenated string: Hello Prepbytes!

In this example, the strcat function in C is used to concatenate two strings, "Hello " and "PrepBytes!", into a single string "Hello PrepBytes!". The function modifies the destination string, str1, and returns a pointer to the beginning of the concatenated string.

Uses of strcat() Function in C

The strcat function in C is used for string concatenation, which means joining two strings into one. Here are some common uses of strcat function in C:

  • Concatenating strings: The most common use of strcat function in C is to concatenate two strings into one. For example, suppose you have two strings "Hello" and "PrepBytes", and you want to combine them into a single string "Hello World". You can achieve this by using the strcat function in C.
  • Building file paths: Another use of strcat function in C is to build file paths by concatenating directory names and file names. For example, if you want to open a file named "test.txt" that is located in the directory "C:\data", you can concatenate these two strings using the strcat() function to create the full file path "C:\data\test.txt".
  • Creating URLs: Concatenating strings is also commonly used in creating URLs. You can concatenate domain names and paths using the strcat() function to create the full URL.

In conclusion, the strcat() function in C is a valuable tool for string concatenation, providing a simple yet powerful means to combine strings efficiently. Its usage extends across a multitude of applications, from basic string manipulation to complex data handling scenarios. However, users must exercise caution and adhere to best practices to prevent buffer overflows and ensure code security. By mastering the nuances of strcat(), programmers can enhance their ability to manipulate strings in C and produce robust, error-free code.

FAQs Related to strcat() Function in C

Here are some frequently asked questions about the strcat function in C.

1. In what scenarios should caution be exercised while using strcat()?
Caution is needed when dealing with user inputs or external data, as improper handling may lead to buffer overflows and potential security vulnerabilities. Always validate input and ensure sufficient buffer space.

2. What is the syntax of strcat()?
The syntax is char strcat(char dest, const char *src). It concatenates the string pointed to by src to the end of the string pointed to by dest.

3. Can strcat() be used to concatenate strings of different data types?
No, strcat() is designed specifically for concatenating strings of characters (char arrays) and should not be used for other data types.

4. How does strcat() handle null-terminated strings?
strcat() scans the destination string until it reaches the null-terminating character and then appends the source string, ensuring the result is null-terminated.

5. What precautions should be taken while using strcat() to avoid buffer overflows?
It is crucial to ensure that the destination string has enough space to accommodate the concatenated content. Buffer overflows can lead to unpredictable behavior and security vulnerabilities.

6. Does strcat() modify the source string?
No, strcat() only modifies the destination string. The source string remains unchanged.

7. How can one handle dynamic memory allocation when using strcat()?
Ensure sufficient memory allocation for the destination string using functions like malloc() before using strcat(). Remember to free the allocated memory when it’s no longer needed.

8. Can strcat() be used with constant strings?
No, strcat() requires a mutable destination string. If the destination string is a constant, consider using other methods or copying the constant string into a mutable buffer.

9. Are there alternative string concatenation methods in C?
Yes, C provides alternatives like strncat() for controlled concatenation and manual methods using array indexing and loops.

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