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Strstr() Function in C

Last Updated on January 16, 2024 by Ankit Kochar

The strstr() function in the C programming language holds a significant role in string manipulation, offering a powerful tool for searching substrings within larger strings. As a part of the string.h library, strstr() provides a versatile means to locate the first occurrence of a substring in a given string, facilitating efficient text processing and pattern matching. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the strstr() function, exploring its syntax, functionality, and practical applications in C programming.

What is the strstr() Function in C?

The strstr function in c is a predefined function for string handling. is the header file required for string functions. The strstr function in c takes two strings s1 and s2 as arguments and finds the first occurrence of the substring s2 in the string s1. The matching process does not include the terminating null characters (‘0’), but the function terminates there. In simple words, The strstr function is a useful library function in C programming that is used to find a substring within a string

Syntax of strstr() Function in C

Here we have the syntax of strtstr function in c

char *strstr(const char *string, const char *substring);

strstr function in c takes two arguments, the first argument is a string and second argument is substring,so strstr function re3turn pointer to first occurrence of the substring within the string

Let’s take a closer look at the parameters and return value of the strstr() function:

Parameters of strstr() Function in C

The strstr() function takes two parameters:

  • string – This is a pointer to the string that is to be searched.
  • substring – This is a pointer to the substring that is to be searched for within the string.

Both the string and substring arguments must be null-terminated strings.

Return Value of strstr() Function in C

The strstr() function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the substring within the string, or a null pointer if the substring is not found.

If the substring is an empty string, then the strstr() function returns a pointer to the string.

Example of strstr() Function in C

Let’s look at an example to understand how the strstr() function works:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
   char string[50] = "Hello, World!";
   char substring[10] = "World";
   char *result;

   result = strstr(string, substring);

   printf("The substring is: %s\n", result);

   return 0;


The substring is: World!

In this example, we have a string Hello, World!, and we are searching for the substring World within the string using the strstr() function. The function returns a pointer to the first occurrence of the substring within the string, which is then stored in the result variable. Finally, the printf() function is used to print the value of the result variable, which contains the first occurrence of the substring World within the string Hello, World!. The output of the program is:

In this example, the strstr() function has found the first occurrence of the substring World within the string Hello, World! and returned a pointer to that substring. If the substring was not found, then the strstr() function would have returned a null pointer.

In conclusion, the strstr() function emerges as a valuable asset for C programmers engaged in text processing tasks. Its ability to swiftly locate substrings within larger strings enhances the efficiency of string manipulation operations, contributing to the overall effectiveness and readability of code. By understanding the nuances of strstr(), programmers can optimize their algorithms, creating more robust and streamlined solutions for tasks involving string searching and pattern matching.

Frequently Asked Question Related to strstr Function in C

Here are the FAQ on the strstr function in c:

1. What is the purpose of the strstr() function in C?
The strstr() function is designed to locate the first occurrence of a specified substring within a given string in C.

2. What is the syntax of the strstr() function?
The syntax is: char strstr(const char haystack, const char *needle);

3. How does strstr() determine if a substring is present?
The function scans the haystack string until it finds the first occurrence of the needle substring or reaches the end of the haystack. It returns a pointer to the beginning of the located substring or NULL if the substring is not found.

4. Can strstr() be used for case-sensitive searches?
Yes, strstr() performs case-sensitive searches. To achieve a case-insensitive search, additional functions or custom logic may be required.

5. Is there a limit to the length of the strings that strstr() can handle?
The function can handle strings of any length, limited only by the available memory in the system.

6. Can strstr() be used for searching multiple occurrences of a substring?
Yes, you can use a loop in conjunction with strstr() to find multiple occurrences of a substring in a string.

7. How does strstr() differ from strchr() in C?
While both functions search for characters in a string, strchr() looks for a single character, whereas strstr() searches for an entire substring.

8. What happens if the needle substring is an empty string?
If the needle is an empty string, strstr() returns a pointer to the beginning of the haystack string.

9. Can the strstr() function be used for comparing two strings?
No, strstr() is designed for substring searching. To compare entire strings, you should use functions like strcmp().

10. In which header file is the strstr() function declared?
The strstr() function is declared in the string.h header file in C. Ensure that this header is included in your program to use the function.

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