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Volatile Keyword in C

Last Updated on January 8, 2024 by Ankit Kochar

In the realm of C programming, the volatile keyword holds a significant role, providing a crucial tool for handling variables that can be changed unexpectedly. While the default behavior of C compilers involves optimizing code to enhance performance, certain variables, such as those associated with hardware or interrupt service routines, may change outside the program’s control. This introduction explores the purpose and implications of the volatile keyword in C.

What is a Volatile Keyword in C?

In C, the volatile keyword is a qualifier that can be applied to a variable declaration. When a variable is declared as volatile, it indicates to the compiler that the variable’s value may change at any time without any action being taken by the code the compiler finds nearby. This is particularly useful in scenarios where the variable can be modified externally, such as by hardware, an interrupt service routine, or concurrently running threads.
The volatile keyword prevents the compiler from applying certain optimizations that might assume the variable’s value remains constant during its scope. Without volatile, the compiler might optimize code by caching the variable’s value in a register, assuming it won’t change. However, in the presence of external modifications, this optimization could lead to incorrect behavior.

Syntax of Volatile Keyword in C

The syntax for using the volatile keyword in C is as follows:

volatile data_type variable_name;

This declares a volatile variable of the specified data type and assigns it the given variable name. The keyword volatile is placed before the variable name to indicate that the variable’s value may change unexpectedly and should not be optimized by the compiler.

How does Volatile Keyword in C Works?

When a variable is declared as volatile, the compiler generates code that ensures that every access to the variable reads or writes its actual value, rather than using any cached or optimized value. This guarantees that the program behaves as expected, even if the variable’s value changes unexpectedly.

Without the volatile keyword, the compiler may optimize the code by assuming that the value of the variable will not change, and it may reuse the previous value read from the variable instead of reading its current value. This optimization can cause incorrect behavior if the value of the variable changes unexpectedly.

For example, consider a program that reads data from a hardware device and stores it in a variable. Without the volatile keyword, the compiler may assume that the value of the variable will not change during the program’s execution, and it may optimize the code by reading the value of the variable only once. However, the value of the variable may change unexpectedly due to external factors, such as a change in the hardware device’s state. In this case, using the volatile keyword ensures that the program reads the current value of the variable every time it is accessed, rather than using any cached or optimized value.

Example of Volatile Keyword in C

Here is an example to demonstrate the working of a volatile keyword in C:

Code Implementation:

#include <stdio.h>

int main (void) {
    const volatile int prepBuddy = 125; 
    int *ptr = ( int* ) &prepBuddy;
    printf("The initial value of the prepBuddy is  : %d \n ", prepBuddy);
    *ptr = 251; 
    printf("The modified value of the prepBuddy is : %d \n ", prepBuddy);
    return 0;


The initial value of the local_value is: 125 
The modified value of the local_value is: 251 

Explanation: In the preceding code, you can see that we declared a constant volatile variable of an integer data type with the name local_value and assigned it the value 125. Then we declared an integer data type pointer in which we will store the address value of "local_value." Furthermore, we print the old value first, followed by the changed value on the screen. This change is only allowed because we use the volatile keyword in the variable’s declaration.

Advantages of Using Volatile Keyword in C

Here are some advantages of using the volatile keyword in C:

  • Consistency in multi-threaded programming: When multiple threads access a shared variable, the value of the variable can change unexpectedly, leading to synchronization issues. The volatile keyword ensures that the variable’s value is always read and written as expected, even if it changes unexpectedly, thereby ensuring consistency in multi-threaded programming.
  • Correct operation with hardware devices: In embedded programming, hardware devices generate interrupts that can change a program’s control flow. The volatile keyword ensures that the program reads the value of the hardware device’s register correctly and updates the program’s state accordingly, thereby enabling correct operation with hardware devices.
  • Prevents compiler optimizations: The compiler can optimize code by assuming that a variable’s value will not change, leading to incorrect behavior if the value changes unexpectedly. The volatile keyword prevents compiler optimizations and ensures that the variable’s value is always read and written as expected, even if it changes unexpectedly.

Disadvantages of Using Volatile Keyword in C

Here are some disadvantages of using the volatile keyword in C:

  • Reduced performance: The use of the volatile keyword can lead to reduced performance because the compiler cannot optimize the code as much as it would be able to without the keyword. This can result in slower code execution and increased memory usage.
  • Potential for code complexity: The use of the volatile keyword can make the code more complex and difficult to read, especially in large programs with many volatile variables.
  • Increased debugging difficulty: The use of the volatile keyword can make debugging more difficult, especially in cases where unexpected behavior occurs due to changes in the value of a volatile variable.
  • Limited applicability: The volatile keyword is only useful in specific cases where there is a need for synchronization between hardware devices or multiple threads. In most cases, it is not necessary and can even hinder performance.

In conclusion, the volatile keyword in C serves as a vital modifier, signaling to the compiler that a variable’s value can be altered unexpectedly, preventing certain optimizations that may compromise program correctness. When dealing with hardware registers, signal handlers, or shared variables in a multi-threaded environment, judicious use of the volatile keyword ensures that the compiler respects the intended behavior of such variables. Understanding when and how to employ this keyword is key to writing robust and reliable C programs.

FAQs Related to Volatile Keyword in C

Here are some frequently asked questions on the volatile keyword in C.

Q1: When should I use the volatile keyword in my code?
The volatile keyword should be used when the value of a variable may change unexpectedly due to external factors, such as in multi-threaded programming or when working with hardware devices.

Q2: When should I use the volatile keyword?
The volatile keyword is typically used for variables that can be modified outside the program’s flow, such as hardware registers, memory-mapped I/O, or variables accessed by signal handlers. It ensures that the compiler does not optimize away operations on these variables.

Q3: How does the volatile keyword differ from const in C?
While const indicates that a variable’s value should not be modified within the program, volatile informs the compiler that the variable may be changed outside the program’s control. They serve different purposes: const focuses on immutability, while volatile addresses potential external modifications.

Q4: Can the volatile keyword be applied to any variable in C?
While the volatile keyword can be applied to any variable, it is most useful when dealing with variables that can be modified asynchronously, such as in interrupt service routines or when accessing memory-mapped I/O.

Q5: Are there any drawbacks to using the volatile keyword excessively?
Excessive use of the volatile keyword may lead to decreased optimization opportunities, potentially impacting performance. It is recommended to apply it judiciously to only those variables that genuinely require volatile behavior to maintain correctness in the presence of external modifications.

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