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Difference between CALL and JUMP Instruction

Last Updated on August 10, 2023 by Mayank Dham

In the realm of computer architecture and assembly language programming, two essential instructions, "CALL" and "JUMP," serve as the backbone of control flow operations. Both instructions play a crucial role in guiding the execution path of a program, but they serve distinct purposes. Understanding the differences between these instructions is fundamental for programmers and computer scientists alike. This article delves into the nuances of "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions, unraveling their functionalities, use cases, and the impact they have on program execution. Before moving to the Difference between CALL and JUMP instruction. Let’s first discuss the CALL and JUMP instructions briefly.

What is a CALL Instruction?

A "CALL" instruction is a fundamental operation in computer programming and assembly language. It is used to transfer control from the current point of execution to a specific subroutine or function, typically located at another memory address. The purpose of the "CALL" instruction is to initiate the execution of the subroutine and then, once the subroutine completes its task, return control back to the point immediately following the "CALL" instruction.

In the context of assembly language programming and low-level computer architecture, the "CALL" instruction is essential for achieving modular and structured code design. It enables code reusability and helps break down complex tasks into smaller, manageable units.

What is a JUMP Instruction?

A "JUMP" instruction, often referred to as a "branch" instruction, is a fundamental operation in computer programming and assembly language. It is used to alter the normal sequence of program execution by unconditionally transferring control to a specific memory address. In other words, a "JUMP" instruction allows the program to immediately change its execution path to another part of the code, bypassing the sequential flow.

The primary purpose of a "JUMP" instruction is to implement branching and looping constructs in a program. It enables the program to make decisions based on certain conditions and execute different parts of the code accordingly. By jumping to different locations within the code, programmers can create loops, implement conditional statements, and manage complex control flow.

Now, as we are having clear thoughts about JUMP and CALL instruction. Let’s discuss the main difference between CALL and JUMP instruction.

Difference between CALL and JUMP instruction

Here is the tabular form for the difference between CALL and JUMP Instruction.

S No. JUMP Instruction CALL Instruction
1 In the JUMP, we simply branch to a new location and then continue from there. In the CALL, we branch to a new location which is known as the subroutine. When we use the CALL instruction, the subroutine will be executed. When the subroutine is fully executed, a RET instruction will be put into our program so that the returned address will be put into the PC from the stack.
2 It is not mandatory to initialize the stack pointer in JUMP instruction. It is mandatory to initialize the stack pointer in CALL instruction.
3 In the JUMP instruction, the value of a stack pointer does not change. In the CALL instruction, the value of a stack pointer is decremented by 2.
4 The return instruction does not contain after executing the JUMP because it does not require to return to the previous location. We use the CALL instruction so that we can invoke the subroutine. With the help of a return address of the stack, the control will be transferred back to the main program at the end of a subroutine by the RET instruction.
5 The JUMP instruction does not require to store the return address into the stack. At the time of CALL, the return address of a program counter will be pushed into the stack.At the time of RET instruction, the return address will be popped from the stack and added to the program counter.
6 The JUMP instruction is not used to transfer the value of a program counter into the stack. The CALL instruction is used to transfer the value of a program counter into a subroutine so that it can come back to the main program.
7 There is an immediate addressing mode in JUMP instruction. There is a register addressing mode and immediate addressing mode in CALL instruction.
8 The program counter is permanently changed by the JUMP instruction. This instruction contains the information which is left on the stack to resume the sequence of original program execution.
9 In the JUMP instruction, the PC is transferred into a memory location, and that location is a part of the main program. In the CALL instruction, the PC is transferred into a memory location, and that location is not a part of the main program.
10 There are three types of JUMP, i.e., Long jump, Short jump, and Absolute jump. There are two types of CALL, i.e., Long call, Absolute call.
11 To execute the JUMP instruction, we require the 10 T states. To execute the CALL instruction, we require the 18 T states.
12 To execute the JUMP instruction, we also require the 3 machine cycles. To execute the CALL instruction, we also require 5 machine cycles.
13 The JUMP instruction is described as conditional jump and unconditional jump. The CALL instruction is described only as unconditional.

The "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions stand as pillars of control flow in the world of assembly language programming and computer architecture. While both instructions dictate the flow of execution, they serve different purposes: "CALL" facilitates subroutines and structured programming, while "JUMP" provides unconditional transfers of control. By mastering these instructions, programmers gain the ability to orchestrate complex logic, optimize code, and create efficient, modular programs that harness the full potential of a computing system.

FAQ on Difference between CALL and JUMP instruction

Here are some FAQs on the Difference between CALL and JUMP instruction.

Q1: What is the "CALL" instruction used for?
The "CALL" instruction is used to transfer control to a subroutine or function while storing the return address so that the program can later resume execution from where it left off. This facilitates modular programming and reusability.

Q2: How does the "JUMP" instruction differ from "CALL"?
The "JUMP" instruction, also known as "JMP," unconditionally transfers control to a specified memory address without storing a return address. Unlike "CALL," which facilitates structured control flow, "JUMP" can lead to unstructured code and is often used for branching and looping.

Q3: Can you provide an example of when to use "CALL" and "JUMP"?
Sure! Use "CALL" when you want to execute a subroutine or function, and you expect to return to the original point of execution after the subroutine finishes. Use "JUMP" when you want to unconditionally change the program’s execution to a different location, like for implementing loops or conditional branches.

Q4: What is the impact of using "CALL" and "JUMP" on program execution speed?
"CALL" instructions involve storing and restoring return addresses, which introduces some overhead. "JUMP" instructions are typically more direct and faster since they don’t involve return address handling. However, excessive "JUMP" instructions can lead to spaghetti code that’s difficult to maintain.

Q5: Can "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions be used together?
Yes, "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions can be used together in various ways. For instance, you might "CALL" a subroutine and then use a "JUMP" instruction within the subroutine to exit early based on a condition.

Q6: Do modern high-level programming languages utilize "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions?
High-level languages abstract low-level instructions like "CALL" and "JUMP" to provide structured control flow constructs like functions, loops, and conditionals. While these languages may not expose the exact assembly instructions, they’re ultimately translated into such instructions by the compiler or interpreter.

Q7: Can "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions lead to program errors?
Improper usage of "CALL" and "JUMP" instructions can lead to errors like infinite loops, incorrect return addresses, or unintended program behavior. Careful planning and understanding of program flow are crucial to avoid such issues.

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