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C++ Program to Add Two Numbers

Last Updated on July 21, 2023 by Mayank Dham

This blog will give you a better understanding of the addition of two numbers in C++. we will explore different methods to add two numbers. Even though these methods serve the same purpose, which is to either add two numbers provided by the user or use predefined values, they all function in a similar manner. Let’s discuss the C++ Program to add two numbers.

Algorithm to addition of two numbers in C++

Here’s a simple algorithm to add two numbers in C++:

  • Step 1: Start
  • Step 2: Declare three variables: num1, num2, and sum
  • Step 3: Read the first number (num1) from the user
  • Step 4: Read the second number (num2) from the user
  • Step 5: Add num1 and num2 and store the result in the sum variable (sum = num1 + num2)
  • Step 6: Display the value of the sum
  • Step 7: End

Method 1: Addition of two numbers in C++ using the arithmetic addition(+) operator

In this method, we will see a C++ program to add two numbers using the plus(+) arithmetic operator.

Code Implementation of addition of two numbers in C++ using arithmetic addition:

using namespace std;
int main()
    int A = 10, B = 20, sum;
    sum = A + B;
    cout << "Sum of two number " << A <<" and " << B << " = " << sum;
    return 0;
The sum of two numbers 10 and 20 = 30

Method 2: Addition of two numbers in C++ using a user-defined function.

In this method, we will see a C++ program to add two numbers in which the user allows to insert the values of two numbers using a user-defined function.

Code Implementation of addition of two numbers in C++ using a user-defined function:

using namespace std;
int main()
	int A, B, sum;	
	cout << "Please enter the First Number  : "<<endl;
	cin >> A;	
	cout << "Please enter the Second Number : "<<endl;
	cin >> B;	
	sum = A + B;
	cout << "Sum of Two Numbers " << A <<" and " << B << " = " << sum;	
	return 0;
Please enter the First Number: 10
Please enter the Second Number: 20
Sum of Two Numbers 10 and 20 = 30

Method 3: Addition of two numbers in C++ using functions

In this method, we will create a function that accepts two arguments and return the sum of those two arguments. We will call that function inside out the main() function.

Code Implementation of addition of two numbers in C++ using functions:

using namespace std;

int add(int x, int y)
	return x + y;

int main()
	int A, B, sum;
	cout << "Please enter the First Number  : "<<endl;
	cin >> A;
	cout << "Please enter the Second Number : "<<endl;
	cin >> B;
	sum = add(A, B);
	cout << "Sum of Two Numbers " << A <<" and " << B << " = " << sum;
	return 0;
Please enter the First Number: 10
Please enter the Second Number: 10
Sum of Two Numbers 10 and 10 = 20

Method 4: Addition of two numbers in C++ using recursion

In this method, we will use a recursive function to apply the addition of two numbers. In which the function calls itself from its definition part.

Code implementation of addition of two numbers in C++ using recursion:

using namespace std;

int addFun(int, int);
int main()
    int A, B, sum;
    cout<<"Enter Two Numbers: ";
    sum = addFun(A, B);
    cout<<"\nResult = "<<sum;
    return 0;
int addFun(int a, int b)
        return a;
        return (1+addFun(a, b-1));
Enter Two Numbers: 20 20
Result = 40

Time Complexity: O(1)
Space Complexity: O(1)

In conclusion, we have explored a simple C++ program to add two numbers. The program takes two input numbers from the user, calculates their sum, and then displays the result. This basic program serves as a foundQ1. Can I use this program to perform other arithmetic operations, such as subtraction, multiplication, or division?ation for more complex applications that involve arithmetic operations in C++.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to C++ Program to Add Two Numbers:

Here are some FAQs related to C++ Program to add two numbers:

Q1. Can I use this program to perform other arithmetic operations, such as subtraction, multiplication, or division?
While this specific program is designed to add two numbers, you can extend it to perform other arithmetic operations by modifying the code accordingly. For example, for subtraction, you would replace the addition operator with the subtraction operator, and similarly for multiplication and division.

Q2. How do I handle non-integer inputs or invalid input from the user?
The given program assumes that the user will provide valid integer inputs. To handle non-integer inputs or invalid input, you can implement error handling techniques, such as input validation loops or try-catch blocks, to ensure the program only proceeds with valid input.

Q3. Is there a limit to the size of numbers that can be added using this program?
The size of numbers that can be added using this program is constrained by the data type used to store the variables. In the provided program, "int" data type is used, which has a certain range (usually -2,147,483,648 to 2,147,483,647 for a 32-bit system). If you need to handle larger numbers, you can use larger data types like "long long" or "bigint" from external libraries.

Q4. Can I modify this program to add more than two numbers?
Yes, you can modify the program to add more than two numbers. You can use a loop to repeatedly take input from the user and add the numbers together until the desired sum is obtained.

Q5. Does the program handle negative numbers properly?
Yes, the program handles negative numbers correctly as long as the data type used to store the variables can accommodate negative values. For example, using the "int" data type will allow you to work with both positive and negative integers.

Q6. How can I compile and run this C++ program on my computer?
To compile and run the C++ program, you need a C++ compiler installed on your computer. Popular compilers like GCC (GNU Compiler Collection) or Microsoft Visual C++ can be used. Save the program in a file with the ".cpp" extension and use the compiler’s command-line tools to compile and execute the program.

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