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HTML Table

Last Updated on September 25, 2023 by Mayank Dham

HTML is a highly utilized programming language with numerous advantages. One of its key benefits is the extensive array of tags it offers, including the HTML table tag. Tables are employed to organize data systematically and present it in a user-friendly format, making information more comprehensible to users.
While moving further in this blog we will learn all about HTML table tags, with their attributes and examples.

What is HTML Table Tag?

HTML table tag is used to create a table and represent the given data in a tabular form. A single row in a table can accommodate numerous columns. A table can be thought of as a framework for storing or presenting data in a structured manner using rows and columns. Tables are versatile and can be employed to showcase data in a tabular format, which can encompass various types of information such as financial data, sports scores, product listings, and more. These tables can be tailored to meet specific user or product needs, allowing for customization.

Syntax of HTML Table Tag

Now we will discuss the syntax of the HTML table tags.

 < table >
< thead>
< th >< /th>
< th>< /th>

< /thead>

< tbody >
< tr>
    < td>< /td>
    < td>< /td>

< /tr>
< tr>
    < td>< /td>
    < td>< /td>

< /tr>
< /tbody>

< tfoot>
< tr>
    < td>< /td>
    < td>< /td>

< /tr>

< /tfoot>

 < /table>

Now we will discuss every tag in the above code.

  • < table>: This will create or define a table.
  • < thead>: This will define the header in the table.
  • < th>: It will define or create a header cell in the table.
  • < tr>: It will define a row in the table.
  • < td>: It is used to create a cell in the table.
  • < tbody>: It will declare the body of the table.
  • < tfoot>: It will declare the footer of the table.

Importance of HTML Table Tag

The HTML Table tag is very much important and some of its importance are mentioned below:

  • One of the most important abilities of the tables is that they can present the data in a properly structured manner.
  • Tables can also improve the accessibility and readability of the data on the web page.
  • They are used to create a responsive web design, we can make tables responsive by using CSS.
  • The tables can make the data more visually appealing and professional looking.

Attributes of HTML Tables

Now we will discuss some of the extra attributes that we can use in our HTML table tag.

  • Border: The HTML table border attribute will define the width of the table border.
  • Rowspan: The row span is used to merge two or more use you can use it and define the number of rows you want to merge.
  • Colspan: Similar to rowspan the colspan is used to merge two or more columns and in this, you just have to provide the number that how many columns you want to merge.
  • Cellpading: The cellpading will describe the space between the content in the cell and the border in the cell.
  • Cellspacing: Cellspacing will define the gap that must be present between two cells.
  • Bgcolor: With the help of this attribute you can change the color of the background of the table, you can use it either on a single row, column or the whole table. We can also use this on a single cell.
  • Height: You can specify the height of the table that must be visible on the webpage.
  • Width: this attribute will help you to define the width of the table that will be visible to the user on the webpage.
  • Align: With this, we can align the content of the table in any direction.

Example of HTML Table Tag

In this blog section, we will discuss the example of Table Tag by trying to use as many of the attributes explained above.

< table border="1px" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="5" >
< thead bgcolor="deffde">
< th bgcolor="ffffff">
< th colspan="2">2 By 3 Map< /th>

< th>3 by 4 Map< /th>

< /thead>

< tbody align="center">
< tr>
    < td rowspan="2">Method 1< /td>
    < td>60 ms< /td>
    < td>940 ms< /td>
    < td>60530 ms(1 minute)< /td>

< /tr>
< tr>

    < td>0 ms< /td>
    < td>0 ms< /td>
    < td>0 ms< /td>

< /tr>
< /tbody>

< tfoot align="center">
< tr>
    < td>Total< /td>
    < td>1 ms< /td>
    < td>1 ms< /td>
    < td>1 ms< /td>

< /tr>

< /tfoot>

 < /table>


In the above code, we have used almost all the attributes explained above, and we have aligned the content to the center. We have also used cellpadiding and cell spacing, we have used rowspan and colspan to merge two rows and 2 columns respectively, after that, we used a proper structure of the table from the head, and body to the footer. We have changed the background color of particular columns.

In the above article, we have studied HTML table tags, we have learned about the syntax of HTML table tags and agave discussed the meaning of every tag in the table followed by the importance of HTML table tag, we have also discussed the other attributes that we can use in the HTML table tag and explained each of them. At last, we have discussed the example containing all those attributes followed by code and its output and explanation.

FAQs related to HTML Table

Below are some of the FAQs related to HTML table tags:

1. What is the purpose of the < th> element in an HTML table?
The < th> element is used to define header cells in a table. It is typically used in the first row or rows to label columns or provide a description for the data in those columns.

2. How can I add borders to my HTML table?
You can add borders to an HTML table by using CSS. Apply the border property to the < table> and < td> or < th> elements, specifying the border style, width, and color as needed.

3. Can I merge cells in an HTML table?
Yes, you can merge cells in an HTML table using the colspan and rowspan attributes. These attributes allow you to specify how many columns or rows a cell should span.

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