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Image and Video Tag in HTML

Last Updated on February 6, 2024 by Abhishek Sharma

In the dynamic landscape of web development, multimedia elements play a pivotal role in enhancing user engagement and interaction. HTML, the backbone of web content structuring, provides essential tags to seamlessly integrate images and videos into web pages. The ‘img’ and ‘video’ tags are fundamental tools that empower developers to weave a rich tapestry of visual content, elevating the overall user experience. This guide delves into the nuances of HTML image and video tags, exploring their attributes, usage, and best practices to ensure a visually compelling and accessible web presence.

What is HTML Image Tag?

The HTML image tag is one of the most used and important tags that is used by programmers or developers. As the name suggests this is used to add or embed images on a web page. This is one of the self-closing tags which means it does not require a closing tag to work. The HTML image code will look like as shown below:

 a picture of a mountain

In the above HTML image code, the src will specify the URL of the image that needs to be displayed. It will tell the browser where should it look to get the file.
The alt attribute will display the result in case the image does not load properly so it will show the alternate text for the image. You can also use the alt attribute as a description of the image in words. This attribute is considered to be good mainly for SEO purposes.

The Importance of HTML Image Tag

The HTML image tag is very much important for developers as:

  • It can enhance the visual appearance and the experience of the website.
  • We can use the HTML Image tag to display logos, images, posters, photographs, and other visual content.
  • We can also use images in the form of charts and diagrams that are used to convey information.

Attributes of HTML Image Tag

We have explained the attributes above but there are certain extra attributes that we can use with the HTML image tag. Some of them are discussed below:

  • height: It will decide the height of the image that will be visible on the webpage in pixels.
  • width: This will decide the width of the image that will be visible on the webpage in pixels.
  • sizes: It will define the size of the image for different page layouts.
  • loading: This will tell the browser whether it should load the image immediately with the websites or should wait until some of the conditions are met.


Now we will discuss the example of an HTML image tag.


HTML Image


In the above code, we have an image of an HTML logo and have mentioned it in the alt tag, we have set the height and width of the image accordingly and specified the path in the src.

What is HTML Video Tag?

The HTML video tag was introduced in HTML 5. As the name suggests it is used for streaming video files like song clips, movie clips, promotion clips, etc. THe video tag can contain one or more than one source tag depending on the number of videos attached with it.
There are mainly three formats of videos supported currently by HTML video tags and they are:

  • mp4
  • webM
  • ogg
    The HTML video tag will look like this:

The src will define the source of the video that where should the browser must look to get the video.

Importance of HTML Video Tag

Some of the importance of the video tag is given below:

  • The size of the video can be responsible for the optimization of the website as the large size of the video can lead to a reduction in the performance of the website.
  • The videos will lead to the response design of the websites.
  • The video size must change on every device based on its screen size.

Attributes of HTML Video Tags

We have explained the src attribute in the above part of this blog now we will look at some of the other attributes of the HTML Video Tags.

  • Controls: This attribute will add the playback controls to the video player like play, pause, etc.
  • Height: It will set the height of the frame where the video is visible on the webpage.
  • Width: It will set the width of the frame where the video is visible on the webpage.
  • Poster: It is used to set the thumbnail of the video player.


In this blog section, we will discuss the example of an HTML video tag.


In the above example, you can see that we have used a video tag and first we have set the height and width of the player that will be visible on the screen. We have also added the controls option and with this, we have the playback controls. The source will tell the browser where should it look to get the video.

In conclusion, mastering the use of HTML image and video tags is crucial for creating visually captivating and accessible web content. The versatility of these tags, coupled with attributes that enhance functionality and user experience, empowers developers to craft engaging multimedia presentations. As web technologies continue to evolve, a solid understanding of HTML’s image and video tags remains a cornerstone for building modern and compelling websites.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Image and Video Tag in HTML

Here are some of the frequently asked questions about image and video tag in HTML.

Q1: How do I embed an image in HTML using the ‘img’ tag?
To embed an image, use the ‘img’ tag with the ‘src’ attribute pointing to the image file’s URL or path on your server. For example: Description.

Q2: What is the purpose of the ‘alt’ attribute in the ‘img’ tag?
The ‘alt’ attribute provides alternative text for the image, which is displayed if the image cannot be loaded. It also aids accessibility, providing a description for users relying on screen readers.

Q3: Can I resize an image using HTML?
Yes, the ‘width’ and ‘height’ attributes in the ‘img’ tag allow you to specify the dimensions of the image. However, it’s recommended to use CSS for responsive design to ensure optimal viewing on various devices.

Q4: How can I embed a video using the ‘video’ tag?
The ‘video’ tag is used for embedding videos. Include the ‘src’ attribute with the video file’s URL or path. For example: . The ‘controls’ attribute adds playback controls.

Q5: Which video formats are supported by most browsers?
Commonly supported video formats include MP4, WebM, and Ogg. To maximize compatibility, provide multiple sources using the tag with different format options.

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