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Infosys HR Interview Questions

Last Updated on February 22, 2023 by Prepbytes

For some individuals to get placed in Infosys is a huge achievement as there are various benefits that Infosys provides and which lead it to become one of the choices for graduates. The name Infosys is very much reputed among the companies and graduates. Infosys is a global IT services and consulting company.

Perks of Joining Infosys

Infosys offers a range of benefits and advantages to its employees, including:

  • Career Growth Opportunities: Infosys provides ample opportunities for career growth, skill development, and learning through its training programs, mentoring, and job rotations.
  • Competitive Salary and Benefits: Infosys offers competitive salaries, health insurance, retirement plans, and other benefits that attract and retain top talent.
  • Global Exposure: Infosys has a presence in over 46 countries, which provides employees with exposure to different cultures, business practices, and technologies.
  • Work-Life Balance: Infosys places a strong emphasis on work-life balance, offering flexible work arrangements, leave policies, and employee wellness programs.
  • Focus on Innovation: Infosys encourages innovation and entrepreneurship through initiatives such as InStep, its internship program for students and young professionals.
  • Diversity and Inclusion: Infosys values diversity and inclusion and has several initiatives and policies to promote a diverse and inclusive workplace.
  • Social Responsibility: Infosys is committed to social responsibility and sustainability and encourages employees to participate in initiatives such as volunteering and community service.

Overall, joining Infosys provides a challenging and dynamic work environment that fosters growth, learning, and personal development, with opportunities to work on cutting-edge technologies and business solutions while making a positive impact on society.

Infosys Recuirtment Process

To get into Infosys you have to be eligible in certain criteria like you should have a minimum of 60% in class Xth, XIIth, and graduation.

Interview Process
The interview process of Infosys contains three rounds.

  • Online Assessment Test
  • Technical Interview
  • HR Round

And to get placed in Infosys you have to clear all three rounds.
Interview Rounds
Now, we will learn about the interview rounds in brief.

Online Assessment Round

The three portions of the online assessment exam each have time constraints and cutoffs. The online assessment test has three portions, including these:

  • Logical and Analytical Reasoning: Questions in this area range in difficulty from easy to somewhat difficult and are based on concepts like data sufficiency, data interpretation, visual reasoning, statement reasoning, syllogism, etc.
  • Quantitative aptitude: Questions in this area range in complexity from moderate to high and cover topics like time, permutations and combinations, speed and distance, number series, analytical puzzles, formulas, algebra, probability, etc.
  • Verbal Ability: In this round, you may anticipate vocabulary questions, fill-in-the-blanks, completion of paragraphs, sentence correction, and more.

The number of inquiries and the amount of time allotted for the aforementioned parts in this round may change depending on the interviews.

Technical Interview Round

You will be contacted for a technical interview if you pass the online assessment test. During this stage, questions based on the candidates’ resumes and areas of interest are often posed. Computer foundations including operating systems, data structures, and algorithms, as well as an understanding of the most recent developing technologies, are some other factors that might help you earn a decent score in this round. You are required to have some solid knowledge of at least one programming language. You must decide on and be ready for a subject of interest that is directly relevant to the position. Your ability to solve problems may occasionally be evaluated in this round, possibly through puzzles and aptitude tests. Here there is also a high chance that you will also be asked about the domain you have worked in.

HR Interview Round

If you pass the technical interview, you will be invited to the HR interview stage. Essentially, the goal of this evaluation is to determine if you are the greatest candidate for the firm. Your history, education, interests, and even your outlook on life are all up for scrutiny in this situation. Some queries about the Infosys corporation must be anticipated. Additionally, be prepared for any inquiries meant to gauge your sincerity in your application for the position.

Infosys HR Interview Questions

In this section, we will discuss the Infosys HR interview questions.

1. How can you make sure that all the tasks are completed effectively?
Ans: The interviewer wants to see how well you will multitask by asking this question. Knowing how good you are at multitasking becomes crucial to them since today, every company expects a candidate to be able to work on numerous tasks at once.

Advice for responding to the query:

  • Describe a moment in which you had to multitask and how you managed to stay on schedule.
  • Never mention how much you detest multitasking.
  • Avoid being evasive and giving cliched responses.
  • In STAR style, you may additionally provide examples to support your assertion.

2. Can you tell me what you think of your dream company?
Ans: This hard question involves the interviewer reevaluating your suitability for the position. Do not reveal your true desire of earning a six-figure salary while working for a firm that offers regular vacation time and flexible hours while answering. These items don’t interest the interviewer, who will perceive them as red flags since they suggest materialism on your part.

How to approach this:

  • When describing your ideal workspace, be honest.
  • Your words should be in line with the corporate culture.
  • Avoid overstating the case and use an employer as an example.

3. Tell me about yourself.
Ans: The very first question in every interview is always this one. It seems simple, yes? However, this is the most crucial question and the one where applicants struggle to make an impact on the interviewer since they frequently are unsure of the precise words to use.

  • Never inquire about the interviewer’s questions or concerns. Even if you mean well, such a question seems impolite.
  • Don’t speak about things that are on your CV already. The interviewer is curious about the information they did not find on the CV. And refrain from bringing up any private matters.
  • Discuss your professional accomplishments and prior work that can position you to succeed in the position for which you are being interviewed.

4. Mention the reasons why do you want to work with our company?
Ans: The interviewer frequently asks this question to confirm that the applicant has comprehended the job criteria and to better understand why the applicant chose their organization for the position. Your response should persuade the interviewer that you are a fantastic match for the position.

  • Give examples of your previous work that met the position’s requirements.
  • Talk about your career objectives that are pertinent to this role.
  • Know the firm’s objectives, goals, and ongoing projects that inspired you to join the company.

5. According to you what is motivation?
Ans: Once more, the candidates may easily misread this wide question. When responding to this question, we must be honest and make sure that our response is relevant to the position for which we are being interviewed. To make things more apparent, try providing an example.

6. What is the ideal working environment according to you?
Ans: The major goal of this inquiry is to determine whether you will fit into the existing work atmosphere at the organization. Employers use this sort of inquiry to determine whether the employees can fit into company culture since they want to make sure that the workers are more productive, happier while working and retained over the long term.

  • Do extensive research on the firm you are interviewing with and have a basic understanding of its work environment, organizational structure, etc.
  • Discuss the growth-oriented workplace culture.
  • Stress how you would be interested in working in a collaborative environment.
  • Make sure that whatever you say is in line with the mission of the business.
  • Avoid mentioning a place of employment that offers several vacation days, flexible scheduling, higher bonuses, and pleasure. Although we know it to be ideal, it doesn’t really operate that way.

7. Mention some of your greatest weaknesses and strengths?
Ans: HR asks you this question to learn more about your personality and fit for the position.

  • Be truthful.
  • Start by listing your best abilities and traits that might be a fantastic fit for the position.
  • Create a defense for each of the strengths that you listed. Therefore, try to avoid discussing your shortcomings.
  • Never disclose any shortcomings that can jeopardize your candidature.
  • You should only point out two issues at most, and you should always describe how you’re working to fix them.
  • Be careful not to respond with clichés like "I am a perfectionist, which is both my strength and my weakness."

8. Why are you looking for a change?
Ans: The interviewer commonly asks this question of experienced applicants because they want to know what prompted them to research alternative opportunities and identify any warning signs. Whatever the reason for your desire to move employment, do not criticize your current employer. Keep your response professional and refrain from mentioning your issues.

9. In a situation when you are working under a bad boss what will you do?
Ans: It can be a bit challenging to respond to this question since interviewers want to know how effectively a candidate can deal with people who hold various opinions and philosophies. Make sure not to place too much attention on the bad parts of the scenario as you respond.

Prior to assuming that my employer is awful, I will first make every effort to comprehend his personality and ascertain the nature of the issue. If I observe my boss to be hostile, I will make a note of his triggers and try to stay away from them. I’ll also try to find out from my coworkers how they have handled him. If circumstances worsen, After this, I will contact HR regarding the same.

10. In a condition when the priorities of the projects are changed how will you manage those?
Ans: In this instance, the interviewers want to know how the candidate would respond if their priorities shift. This will also reflect how good or bad the candidate can resolve issues and deal with pressures.

  • Make sure you answer the interviewer’s questions correctly.
  • Give instances to illustrate how you can deal with pressure and stress.
  • When being interviewed, refrain from boasting and keep your displeasure to yourself.

11. Why do you have a gap in the resume?
Ans: This question is brought up if the interviewer notices anything fascinating or odd in the CV. A few examples are a job that is unrelated to what you are searching for, one that was short-lived, or in certain cases, a full-time between two consecutive jobs. HR wants to ensure that any coverage gaps are not the consequence of any red flags.

I started working right away after earning my bachelor’s degree and didn’t stop for the next eight years. I thus made the decision to take a 6-month hiatus in order to regroup, make apologies to my family, and travel alone to other locations.
During this hiatus, I also learned the value of maintaining a work-life balance, becoming more organized, and developing a new outlook on life.

12. On a scale of 1 to 10 how much do you rate yourself?
Ans: It’s important to avoid sounding flawless in your response to this question. This might suggest that there is no room for development and convince the interviewer that you are overconfident.
Keep in mind not to underestimate your own worth as well. This would demonstrate your lack of confidence.

I’d want to give myself an 8. 8 because I understand that I can always improve and that I’m not perfect. Continuous learning is the key to advancement on both a personal and professional level.

13. If you ever have a disagreement with your manager how will you handle the situation?
Ans: The interviewers want to know how you respond when your boss or supervisor rejects your suggestions. Working in a team entails having disagreements from time to time.

  • What was the point of contention?
  • What obstacles did you overcome?
  • What was the result of your learning?
  • Don’t criticize or insult your manager.
  • You cannot claim that you have never disagreed with somebody since that would show that you lack innovation or leadership skills.

14. Tell me about a point in your career where you have made mistakes if any?
Ans: This next behavioral test is hard, and if you don’t properly answer it, you’ll be digging your own grave. The interviewer is interested in learning about your errors, how you handled them, and how well you would do in the position if you were hired.

  • Talk about a mistake you made that you were able to correct and that didn’t seriously harm your company.
  • Discuss the lessons you gleaned from attempting to correct the error.
  • Avoid making any error that highlights a personality defect.

15. Tell me about your biggest achievement till now.
Ans: Make sure to just talk about your professional accomplishments. Answer this question by selecting your greatest recent accomplishment.

Use the STAR format to give your response. The full form of STAR is Situation, Task, Action, and Result.

16. In the span of 5 years where do you see yourself?
Ans: The hardest and riskiest question of all is this one. It’s possible that you aren’t even aware that this might end up becoming a trap. Even though the question can seem minor, its main purpose is to ascertain how well your vision matches the company’s mission and how long you would like to stay if hired.

If you’re feeling sincere, you may discuss your aspirations to further your education, launch a business, oversee recruiting for the firm, or, if you have no ambitions at all, simply say that you have no plans at all.

17. Tell me about a scenario when you have displayed your leadership skills?
Ans: The purpose of this inquiry is to gauge your level of situational competency. Make sure you don’t sound inattentive or unprofessional.

18. Tell me a scenario when you faced difficulty while working on a project.
Ans: This is a big subject since there are many different types of difficulties. This inquiry is intended to find out what you find challenging and how you approach overcoming that challenge. When responding to this:

  • Use the STAR method to describe an issue that was associated with your job.
  • Don’t respond harshly or disparage any managers or businesses.
  • Make sure the interviewer is aware of the issue’s root cause.
  • Don’t discuss your personal issues with others.
  • Instead of spending too much time on the harm, concentrate on the lessons the situation can teach you.

19. How do you handle criticism?
Ans: The main goal of this inquiry is to find out how you react to and feel about remarks. The most important thing in this situation is to show the interviewer that you are always open to receiving constructive feedback. You shouldn’t give the impression that you are ignorant, stubborn, or unwilling to accept advice on how to get better.

I’ve always been passionate about learning new things, but occasionally I make errors. I am always open to constructive criticism, and if I get it, I will work to become a better person and learn from my mistakes. This would allow me to grow and improve. I am mature enough to dismiss negative comments and continue working to complete my task to the best of my abilities even if it depresses me.

20. Why do you think we will hire you?
Ans: Because every hire is a risk to the interviewer in case they turn out to be unsuitable, the recruiter uses this crucial question to determine how well you will fit into the role. Your interview’s outcome may depend on how you respond to this question. Therefore, be sure to adequately prepare for this question and to explain to the interviewer why you are the ideal candidate for the job.
Everything should come down to how you can significantly improve the company.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Mention some of the features that can be availed by an Infosys Employee.
Health care, on-campus entertainment, life, and medical insurance, paid leaves of absence, and soft benefits like access to campus amenities like the gym are among the many extra advantages provided by Infosys. The advantages of working at Infosys, therefore, extend beyond compensation. Infosys offers a competitive and open work environment in addition to its well-known brand, where new hires may anticipate outstanding career advancement supported by top-notch training.

2. What personal Skills and qualifications does Infosys look for freshers?
When hiring freshmen, Infosys looks for people with a high level of learnability. Learnability is typically seen as the capacity to absorb general information from particular experiences and apply it to novel circumstances. Infosys places a major emphasis on both academic and professional achievement. Analytical aptitude, communication skills, collaboration, leadership abilities, and the capacity for innovation are a few of the qualities and capabilities Infosys looks for in potential recruits, particularly at the entry-level.

3. What is different about Infosys?
Infosys is a 100 percent Indian-based business, in contrast to some of the other major titans in the IT industry. Even some of the largest MNCs cannot compete with Infosys’ world-class campus facilities and training program for its workers. Mainly, Infosys’ workplace is infused with the greatest employee-caring practices. The founding staff of Infosys was renowned for having strong morals, which they emphasized in their corporate culture.

4. Do we have to get a degree before getting into Infosys?
In India, having a fundamental degree is definitely quite typical in order to obtain any sort of respectable employment. Candidates must have a computer science or any other appropriate graduate degree, especially in the IT industry, as is the case with Infosys.

But times have changed, and the IT industry is seeing many advances. In a recent declaration, Infosys stated that it will also consider hiring individuals without a degree. But they must possess the Infosys-specified appropriate professional qualification.

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