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Autoboxing and Unboxing In Java

Last Updated on June 26, 2023 by Mayank Dham

Boxing refers to the process of automatically converting primitive data types into their corresponding Wrapper types, while the opposite operation is referred to as unboxing. This feature was introduced in Java 5, eliminating the need for Java programmers to manually write conversion code.

What is Autoboxing in Java?

Autoboxing in Java refers to the automatic conversion of primitive data types into their corresponding wrapper classes. It is a feature introduced in Java 5 to simplify coding and improve convenience for developers. With autoboxing, the Java compiler automatically converts primitive types, such as int or boolean, into their respective wrapper classes, such as Integer or Boolean, when necessary.

For example, when assigning an int value to an Integer object or passing an int as a parameter to a method that expects an Integer, autoboxing automatically converts the int value to its corresponding Integer object. Similarly, when performing operations or comparisons between primitive types and their wrapper classes, autoboxing handles the conversion seamlessly.

Autoboxing simplifies code by eliminating the need for explicit conversion between primitive types and their wrapper classes, reducing the potential for errors and making the code more readable. However, it’s important to note that autoboxing incurs a small performance cost due to the creation of wrapper objects.

Example of Autoboxing

public class AutoboxingExample {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Autoboxing - converting int to Integer
        int num = 42;
        Integer wrappedNum = num; // Autoboxing

        // Autoboxing in expressions
        Integer result = wrappedNum + 10; // Autoboxing and addition

        // Unboxing - converting Integer to int
        int unwrappedNum = wrappedNum; // Unboxing

        System.out.println("Wrapped Number: " + wrappedNum);
        System.out.println("Result: " + result);
        System.out.println("Unwrapped Number: " + unwrappedNum);

Explanation of the above code:

In this example, we have an int variable num assigned with the value 42. Through autoboxing, we assign num to an Integer variable wrappedNum directly without any explicit conversion. The Java compiler automatically converts the int value to its corresponding Integer object.

Next, we demonstrate autoboxing in an expression. We perform an addition operation between wrappedNum and the int value 10. Autoboxing occurs again as the int value is automatically converted to an Integer object before the addition takes place. The result is stored in an Integer variable result.

Finally, we demonstrate unboxing by assigning the value of wrappedNum back to an int variable unwrappedNum. The Java compiler automatically converts the Integer object to its corresponding int value.

The program then prints the wrapped number, the result of the addition, and the unwrapped number to the console.

What is Unboxing in Java?

Unboxing in Java refers to the automatic conversion of wrapper class objects to their corresponding primitive data types. It is the opposite operation of autoboxing. Unboxing allows you to extract the value stored in a wrapper class object and assign it to a primitive data type variable.

Here’s an example to illustrate unboxing in Java:
public class UnboxingExample {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Integer wrappedNum = Integer.valueOf(42); // Creating an Integer object

        // Unboxing - converting Integer to int
        int unwrappedNum = wrappedNum; // Unboxing

        System.out.println("Wrapped Number: " + wrappedNum);
        System.out.println("Unwrapped Number: " + unwrappedNum);

Explanation of the above code:

In this example, we have an Integer object wrappedNum created using the valueOf() method, initialized with the value 42.

Through unboxing, we assign the value of wrappedNum to an int variable unwrappedNum. The Java compiler automatically extracts the int value from the Integer object and assigns it to the int variable.

The program then prints both the wrapped number (the Integer object) and the unwrapped number (the int value) to the console.

Unboxing simplifies the process of extracting values from wrapper class objects and using them in primitive data types, without the need for explicit conversions.

Autoboxing and Unboxing with method overloading

Autoboxing and unboxing play a significant role in method overloading in Java. Method overloading allows you to define multiple methods with the same name but different parameter types. Autoboxing and unboxing facilitate the automatic conversion between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes, enabling method overloading to handle arguments of both primitive types and wrapper classes seamlessly.

Here’s an example that demonstrates method overloading with autoboxing and unboxing:
public class MethodOverloadingExample {
public static void printNumber(int num) {
System.out.println("Printing int: " + num);

    public static void printNumber(Integer num) {
        System.out.println("Printing Integer: " + num);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        int primitiveNum = 42;
        Integer wrappedNum = 24;

        printNumber(primitiveNum); // Invokes printNumber(int num)
        printNumber(wrappedNum);   // Invokes printNumber(Integer num)

In this example, we have two overloaded methods: printNumber(int num) and printNumber(Integer num). The first method accepts an int parameter, while the second method accepts an Integer parameter.

In the main method, we create an int variable primitiveNum with the value 42, and an Integer object wrappedNum with the value 24.

When we call printNumber(primitiveNum), the argument primitiveNum is of type int, so the Java compiler invokes the printNumber(int num) method.

Similarly, when we call printNumber(wrappedNum), the argument wrappedNum is of type Integer. Here, autoboxing occurs, automatically converting the Integer object to its corresponding int value, and the Java compiler invokes the printNumber(Integer num) method.

As a result, both methods are successfully invoked based on the types of arguments, and the corresponding messages are printed to the console.

By leveraging autoboxing and unboxing, method overloading can handle arguments of both primitive types and their wrapper classes effectively, providing flexibility and convenience in method calls.

Autoboxing and unboxing in Java provide convenient mechanisms for automatic conversion between primitive types and their corresponding wrapper classes. Autoboxing simplifies the process of converting primitives to objects, while unboxing allows extracting the values from wrapper objects and assigning them to primitive variables. These features greatly enhance code readability and reduce the need for explicit conversions, improving developer productivity.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) related to autoboxing and unboxing in Java:

Q1. What is the purpose of autoboxing and unboxing in Java?
Autoboxing and unboxing eliminate the need for manual conversion between primitive types and their wrapper classes. They provide a seamless and convenient way to work with both primitive values and their corresponding objects.

Q2. How does autoboxing work in Java?
Autoboxing automatically converts primitive types to their corresponding wrapper classes when required. It is performed by the Java compiler, which implicitly inserts the necessary conversion code.

Q3. What is the difference between autoboxing and unboxing?
Autoboxing is the process of converting primitive types to their wrapper classes, while unboxing is the process of extracting the values from wrapper objects and assigning them to primitive variables.

Q4. Is autoboxing and unboxing performance-efficient?
Autoboxing and unboxing introduce a slight performance overhead due to the creation of wrapper objects and the associated memory allocation. However, in most cases, the impact on performance is negligible and doesn’t significantly affect the overall performance of the application.

Q5. Can autoboxing and unboxing lead to unexpected behavior?
While autoboxing and unboxing provide convenience, they can sometimes lead to unexpected behavior, particularly when dealing with null values or comparing objects using the equality operator (==). It’s important to be aware of the potential pitfalls and handle such cases carefully.

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