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Constructor Chaining in Java

Last Updated on December 8, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

Constructor chaining in Java is a powerful concept that allows multiple constructors within a class to call one another, creating a chain of constructor invocations. This feature simplifies code maintenance and promotes code reusability by enabling the reuse of code logic across different constructors. Constructor chaining is particularly useful when a class has multiple constructors with varying parameter lists, and it helps avoid code duplication by centralizing common initialization tasks.
In Java, a constructor can call another constructor using the this() keyword, followed by the appropriate argument list. This mechanism ensures that the constructors are invoked in a specific order, allowing for efficient and organized object initialization. Constructor chaining is a fundamental aspect of Java’s object-oriented programming paradigm, contributing to the design and development of robust and modular code.

Constructor Chaining in Java

Constructor chaining in Java is the process of calling one constructor from another constructor of the same class or of its parent class. In Java, a constructor can call another constructor using the "this" and “super” keywords. This Constructor Chaining in Java allows the developer to reuse the code and in avoiding redundancy in the initialization of the objects.

Benefits of Constructor Chaining in Java

Constructor chaining in Java provides several benefits:

  • Code reuse: The Constructor Chaining in Java helps the Developers in the reusability of code and avoiding redundancy in the initialization of objects. Developers may write the code once and call it from other constructors rather than writing the same code in many constructors.
  • Flexibility: Developers can create various constructors with different arguments by using constructor chaining in java. Developers may create constructors with various parameter combinations by chaining constructors without writing duplicate code.
  • Simplified code: Constructor chaining in java reduces code complexity and makes it easier to understand and maintain. Developers can break down complex initialization code into smaller, more manageable chunks rather than putting it all in a single constructor.

How to Implement Constructor Chaining in Java

Constructor chaining in Java is performed by using the "this" and "super" keywords. The "this" keyword is used to invoke another constructor inside the same class, whereas the "super" keyword invokes a constructor within the parent class.

In this section, we will show you how to use constructor chaining in Java.

Example 1: Constructor Chaining in Java using "this" Keyword
This example will demonstrate the constructor chaining in java using the "this" keyword. The class has two constructors – one that takes no arguments and one that takes a String parameter. The constructor with no arguments calls the constructor with a String parameter using the "this" keyword.


class PrepBytes {  
    //default constructor  
        System.out.println("Default constructor is called.");  
    //parameterized constructor  
    PrepBytes(String str){  
        System.out.println("Parameterized constructor");  
    public static void main(String args[]){  
        PrepBytes obj = new PrepBytes();  


Parameterized constructor 
Default constructor is called.

In this example, the constructor with no arguments calls the constructor with an integer parameter using the "this" keyword. Here, we have created the instance of the class “PrepBytes” without passing any parameter to it. This will invoke the default constructor. Then, the default constructor calls the parameterized constructor because we have use the this(“PrepBytes”). After this line, all the statements of the Parameterized Constructor are executed and then the control returns to the default constructor. Now, all the Statements in Default Constructor are executed and the object is initialized successfully. Here is the complete flow of the program.

Example 2: Constructor Chaining in Java using the "super" Keyword
The following example demonstrates constructor chaining in Java using the "super" keyword.


//parent class  
class Parent{  
    //base class default constructor  
    Parent() {  
        System.out.println("Base Class Default Constructor");  

//derived class  
class Child extends Parent {
    //derived class default constructor  
        this("Java", "Python");  
        System.out.println("Child Class Default Constructor");  
    //derived class parameterized constructor  
    Child(String str1, String str2) {  
        System.out.println("Child Class Parameterized Constructor");  

class ConstructorChaining{
    public static void main(String args[]){  
        Child obj = new Child();  


Base Class Default Constructor
Child Class Parameterized Constructor
Child Class Default Constructor

In the above example, we have defined a Parent class with Default Constructor only. We have also defined a Child class which is extending the Parent Class. This Child Class has one Default Parameter and another Parameterized constructor that takes two String Parameters.

When we initialized the object of the Child class in the Main method without passing any parameters. It calls the default parameter of the Child class, which in turn calls the Parameterized Constructor of the Child Class. Now the Parameterized Constructor calls the Default Constructor of the Parent class by using the super() statement. Now all the statements of the Default Constructor of the Parent Class are executed and the control returns back to the Parameterized Constructor of the Child Class. After executing all the statements of the Parameterized Constructor, the control returns to the Default Constructor of the Child Class. Now, the rest of the statements of this Default Constructor are executed and the object is initialized successfully.

The complete flow of the above program is shown below image.

Constructor chaining in Java enhances the flexibility and maintainability of code by facilitating the reuse of constructor logic. It allows developers to create different constructors tailored to specific use cases while avoiding redundant code. By establishing a chain of constructor calls, the class can manage various initialization scenarios efficiently. This feature is an essential tool for crafting well-organized and scalable Java programs, contributing to the principles of code reusability and modular design.
In conclusion, constructor chaining is a valuable technique that empowers Java developers to build more robust and efficient applications, reducing redundancy and promoting a clean and modular code structure.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Constructor Chaining in Java

Here are some Frequently Asked Questions on Constructor Chaining in Java.

Ques 1. Can a constructor call multiple constructors in Java?
Yes, a constructor can call multiple constructors using constructor chaining.

Q2: How is constructor chaining achieved in Java?
Constructor chaining is achieved using the this() keyword followed by the appropriate argument list. The this() call must be the first statement in the constructor, and it invokes another constructor in the same class.

Q3: Can constructor chaining be used across different classes?
No, constructor chaining is specific to a single class. It allows different constructors within the same class to call each other but does not extend to constructors in different classes.

Q4: What is the significance of constructor chaining in object-oriented programming?
Constructor chaining promotes code reusability by allowing the creation of multiple constructors with varying parameter lists. It helps organize and centralize initialization logic, making the code more maintainable and modular.

Q5: Are there any restrictions or considerations when using constructor chaining?
Constructor chaining must be done carefully to avoid infinite loops or other unintended consequences. The this() call must be the first statement in the constructor, and the chaining order should be well-defined to ensure proper object initialization.

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