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What is Javascript and Its Features?

Last Updated on April 18, 2023 by Prepbytes

JavaScript is a widely used programming language that is primarily used to create interactive web pages and web applications. It is a high-level, interpreted language that allows developers to add dynamic and interactive elements to websites. This article helps you to learn what is JavaScript, its features, its uses, its weaknesses, and its application.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is a high-level, interpreted programming language that is widely used for creating interactive web pages and web applications. It was first introduced in 1995 by Brendan Eich. JavaScript is a lightweight language that can be embedded in HTML and is compatible with all major web browsers.

JavaScript is an object-oriented language that is easy to learn and has a vast community of developers who share resources, tutorials, and libraries to help beginners. It is dynamically typed, meaning that variables can change their data type at runtime, which can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs in the code.

In short words, JavaScript is a versatile programming language that is essential for creating dynamic and interactive websites and web applications.

Features of JavaScript

JavaScript is a programming language with several features that make it a popular choice among developers. Some of the notable features of JavaScript are

  1. Lightweight: JavaScript is a lightweight programming language, which means that it can run on almost any device without requiring a lot of memory or processing power.
  2. Interactivity: JavaScript enables developers to create interactive web pages and web applications that can respond to user input in real-time.
  3. Easy to Learn: JavaScript is a relatively easy language to learn, and it has a vast community of developers who share resources, tutorials, and libraries to help beginners.
  4. Cross-Platform Compatibility: JavaScript is compatible with all major web browsers and operating systems, making it a versatile language that can be used on any device.
  5. Object-Oriented: JavaScript is an object-oriented language, which means that it is based on the concept of objects that contain data and methods.
  6. Functional Programming: JavaScript also supports functional programming concepts, such as higher-order functions and closures, which can make it easier to write complex applications.
  7. Event-Driven Programming: JavaScript is designed to be event-driven, which means that it can respond to user actions, such as clicking a button or typing in a form.

JavaScript Used for?

Some of the common uses of JavaScript are:

  1. Web Development: JavaScript is primarily used for creating interactive and dynamic web pages and web applications. It can be used for tasks such as form validation, animations, user interface enhancements, and more.
  2. Mobile App Development: JavaScript can be used to create mobile applications that can run on both iOS and Android devices using frameworks such as React Native and Ionic.
  3. Game Development: JavaScript is used to create web-based games, such as HTML5 games, that can be played on any device with a web browser.
  4. Server-Side Development: JavaScript can be used to create server-side applications using Node.js, which is a platform that allows developers to run JavaScript on the server side.
  5. Desktop Application Development: JavaScript can be used to create desktop applications using frameworks such as Electron, which allows developers to build cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies.
  6. Internet of Things (IoT): JavaScript can be used to program IoT devices, such as sensors and smart home devices, using frameworks such as Johnny-Five and Cylon.js.

How to Add JavaScript Code to a Website?

JavaScript code can be added to an HTML web page in three ways:

  1. Internal JavaScript contains all JavaScript code within the body of the HTML script using the script> tag. Here’s an example of internal JavaScript using the script> tag:

      Internal JavaScript Example
        alert("Hello PrepBytes!");

    Explanation: In the above example, the JavaScript code is added internally within the < head> section of the HTML file using the < script> tag. The greet() function is defined within the script tags and is called when the button is clicked.

  2. Inline JavaScript refers to the practice of embedding JavaScript code within HTML event attributes, such as onclick, onload, onsubmit, etc. When the event is triggered, the browser executes the JavaScript code. Here is an example of inline JavaScript code:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>Inline JavaScript Example</title>
        <button onclick="alert('Hi, PrepBytes!')">Click</button>

    Explanation: In the above example, the JavaScript code is added inline within the < button> element using the onclick attribute. When the button is clicked, an alert box with the message "Hi, PrepBytes!" is displayed.

  3. External JavaScript, on the other hand, involves storing the code in a separate .js file and then referencing it within the HTML page. When working on large projects, developers frequently use this technique to keep the script organized.

    Furthermore, it allows you to reuse the script in multiple HTML pages, which is valued highly by many developers.

    Here is an example of external JavaScript:

    <!DOCTYPE html>
        <title>External JavaScript Example</title>
        <button onclick="greet()">Click me</button>
         <script src="script.js"></script>

    Explanation: In the above example, the JavaScript code is added externally in a separate file called script.js using the < script> tag with the "src" attribute in the < body> section of the HTML file. The greet() function is defined in the script.js file and is called when the button is clicked in the HTML file. The src attribute specifies the path to the external JavaScript file.

What is JavaScript’s Weakness?

JavaScript, like any programming language, has some weaknesses that developers need to be aware of. Here are some of the weaknesses of JavaScript:

  1. Security Vulnerabilities: JavaScript can be vulnerable to security issues, such as cross-site scripting (XSS) attacks and cross-site request forgery (CSRF) attacks, which can compromise the security of web applications.
  2. Browser Compatibility: JavaScript can behave differently on different web browsers, which can lead to compatibility issues. Developers need to test their code on multiple browsers to ensure that it works correctly on all platforms.
  3. Performance: JavaScript can be slower than other programming languages, such as C++ and Java, which can be a problem for applications that require high-performance computing.
  4. Lack of Type Checking: JavaScript is a dynamically typed language, which means that variables can change their data type at runtime. This can lead to unexpected behavior and bugs in the code.
  5. Code Maintainability: As JavaScript codebases grow in size, they can become difficult to maintain, which can make it challenging to update and modify the code over time.

Applications of JavaScript

JavaScript have a wide range of applications, including:

  • Creating interactive web pages with dynamic content, such as animations, pop-ups, and menus.
  • Developing web applications, such as online shopping carts, social networking sites, and chat applications.
  • Creating mobile applications using platforms such as React Native and Ionic.
  • Building desktop applications using frameworks like Electron.
  • Creating server-side applications using Node.js.
  • Developing games and simulations using game engines such as Phaser and Three.js.
  • Implementing web-based data visualizations and dashboards using libraries such as D3.js and Chart.js.
  • Automating repetitive tasks in web development using tools like Grunt and Gulp.
  • Developing browser extensions and add-ons using JavaScript.
  • Integrating with APIs to create custom functionality and services.

In conclusion, JavaScript is a powerful programming language that is widely used to create dynamic and interactive web pages and web applications. With its versatility, easy learning curve, and wide range of applications, JavaScript has become an essential tool for modern web development. As the internet continues to evolve and new technologies emerge, JavaScript will remain a critical component of the web development landscape for years to come.


Here are some frequently asked questions related to what is JavaScript.

Q1: What Is JavaScript and Why is it preferred for development?
Ans: JavaScript is a programming language used for creating interactive and dynamic web pages and web applications. It is preferred for development because of its versatility, cross-platform compatibility, ease of use, and large community support. It can be used for a wide range of applications, from simple website animations to complex web applications and mobile apps.

Q2: Is JavaScript the same as Java?
Ans: No, JavaScript is a completely different programming language than Java. They have different syntaxes, features, and uses.

Q3: Can I use JavaScript on the server side?
Ans: Yes, JavaScript can be used on the server-side using platforms such as Node.js.

Q4: What is the difference between var, let, and const in JavaScript?
Ans: var is used to declare a variable with global or function scope, while let and const is used to declare variables with block scope. const variables cannot be re-assigned.

Q5: What is a closure in JavaScript?
Ans: A closure is a function that has access to its parent function’s variables and parameters, even after the parent function has completed its execution.

Q6: What are some popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries?
Ans: Some popular JavaScript frameworks and libraries include React, Angular, Vue.js, jQuery, and Bootstrap.

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