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ps Command in Linux with Examples

Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

The ps command in Linux is a powerful utility used to gather information about currently running processes on a system. It provides valuable insights into the status, resource utilization, and characteristics of these processes. Understanding how to effectively use the ps command is crucial for system administrators, developers, and users who need to monitor and manage processes on a Linux system.

The ps command offers various options and flags that allow users to filter and display specific process information. It enables users to retrieve details such as process IDs (PIDs), CPU and memory usage, parent-child process relationships, command arguments, and more. This command serves as a fundamental tool for troubleshooting, system monitoring, and managing system resources efficiently.

In this article, we’ll explore the diverse functionalities and examples of the ps command, showcasing its flexibility and demonstrating how users can leverage its capabilities to analyze, manage, and gain insights into the processes running on their Linux system.

What is ps Command in Linux with Examples?

The ps command in Linux is a powerful and versatile utility used to view information about processes running on a system. It stands for "processes status" and provides insights into various aspects of these processes, aiding in system monitoring, troubleshooting, and management. Here are some examples demonstrating the usage of the ps command:

1. Display information about all processes:

ps -e

This command displays a snapshot of all processes currently running on the system.

2. Display detailed information about all processes:

ps aux

The aux options display a detailed list of all processes, including those owned by other users, along with additional information such as CPU and memory usage.

3. Show processes in a tree-like hierarchical structure:

ps auxf

Using the f option, ps displays the processes in a hierarchical tree format, illustrating their parent-child relationships.

4. Display processes owned by a specific user:

ps -u username

Replace username with the desired username to view processes owned by that particular user.

5. Show processes by their PID (Process ID):

ps -p PID

Replace PID with the Process ID number to view information about a specific process.

6. Sort processes by CPU or memory usage:

ps aux --sort=-%cpu

This command sorts the processes in descending order based on CPU usage. Similarly, %mem can be used to sort by memory usage.

7. Display the full command associated with each process:

ps auxww

The -ww option ensures that the full command line associated with each process is displayed without truncation.

8. Monitor continuously for process changes:

watch -n 1 'ps aux | grep process_name’

Using the watch command along with ps, this continuously monitors and displays the information about a specific process (process_name).

The ps command stands as an essential tool in the arsenal of Linux users, providing valuable insights into the system’s running processes. Its versatility in displaying process information, filtering output based on various criteria, and aiding in system troubleshooting makes it an indispensable utility for system administrators, developers, and users alike.

By mastering the usage of different options and flags within the ps command, users can efficiently monitor system processes, identify resource-intensive tasks, manage system performance, and troubleshoot issues effectively within the Linux environment. Its ability to display a wide range of process details empowers users to gain a comprehensive understanding of their system’s state and make informed decisions regarding process management.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) Related to ps Command in Linux with Examples:

Below are some of the FAQs related to pc command in Linux:

Q1: How can I display all processes using the ps command?
To display information about all processes running on the system, you can use the following command:

ps -e

Alternatively, you can use ps aux to display detailed information about all processes, including those owned by other users.

Q2: How can I sort processes by CPU usage with ps?
You can sort processes by CPU usage using the following command:

ps aux --sort=-%cpu

This command will display processes sorted in descending order based on CPU usage.

Q3: Can I display the full command associated with each process using ps?
Yes, you can display the full command associated with each process using the command:

ps auxww

The -ww option ensures that the full command line is displayed without truncation.

Q4: How can I display a hierarchical view of processes using ps?
To display processes in a tree-like hierarchical structure, use the following command:

ps auxf

This command displays processes in a forest (tree) format, showing the parent-child relationships among processes.

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