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Critical Section in OS (Operating System)

Last Updated on July 12, 2023 by Mayank Dham

The effective management of shared resources, such as shared memory or shared files, is a crucial aspect of any operating system. It is essential to protect these resources from concurrent access in order to maintain data integrity and ensure the proper functioning of the system. This is where the concept of a critical section in an operating system becomes significant. In this article, we will delve into the concept of a critical section in OS, explore the problems and challenges it can pose, provide detailed examples, discuss potential solutions, and examine how to implement them effectively.

What is Critical Section in OS?

A critical section in operating system denotes a specific segment of code that deals with accessing shared resources like shared memory or I/O devices. As multiple processes or threads can access these shared resources concurrently, it becomes crucial to synchronize their access to prevent race conditions and data inconsistencies. The purpose of a critical section is to ensure that only one process or thread can access the shared resource at any given time, effectively avoiding conflicts or errors. Synchronization mechanisms, such as semaphores, monitors, or critical section objects, are employed to regulate access to the critical section in the operating system.

Now, we know the overview of what is critical section in os. Further in this article, we will see what is critical section problem and its solutions.

Problems Caused by Critical Section in OS:

The critical section problem in os is a classic problem in operating systems that arises when multiple processes or threads need to access shared resources simultaneously. When multiple processes or threads are competing for access to the same shared resource, it can lead to a number of issues, now we learned what is critical section problem so some of the problems include –

  • Deadlock: Deadlock occurs when two or more processes are blocked, waiting for each other to release a shared resource. This can lead to a situation where no process can proceed, causing the entire system to hang.
  • Starvation: Starvation occurs when a process is repeatedly denied access to a shared resource, even though it is requesting it. This can lead to a situation where a process is unable to proceed, causing the entire system to hang.
  • Race conditions: Race conditions occur when multiple processes access a shared resource simultaneously, leading to inconsistent or incorrect data. For example, if two processes are trying to increment a shared variable at the same time, the final value of the variable may be incorrect.
  • Priority inversion: Priority inversion occurs when a low-priority process holds a resource that is needed by a high-priority process. This can lead to a situation where the high-priority process is blocked, waiting for the low-priority process to release the resource.

To avoid these problems, it is important to synchronize access to shared resources using appropriate synchronization mechanisms such as semaphores, monitors, or critical section objects. These mechanisms are used to control access to the critical section, ensuring that only one process or thread can access the shared resource at a time.

Examples of Problems Caused by Critical Section in OS:

Example 1: Race Condition
A race condition occurs when two or more processes access and manipulate a shared resource simultaneously, leading to unexpected results. In this example, we will use a shared variable "counter" and two processes, "Process A" and "Process B", that both increment the value of the counter by 1.

Process A:

  • Read the value of the counter
  • Increment value of the counter by 1
  • Save the new value of the counter

Process B:

  • Read the value of the counter
  • Increment value of the counter by 1
  • Save the new value of the counter

If Process A and Process B both execute at the same time, the value of the counter may not be incremented by 2 as expected. This is because both processes read the same initial value of the counter, increment it by 1, and save the new value. In this scenario, the final value of the counter will be the same as the initial value, resulting in a race condition.

Example 2: Deadlock
A deadlock occurs when two or more processes are unable to proceed because each is waiting for one of the others to release a resource. In this example, we will use two processes, "Process X" and "Process Y", and two shared resources, "Resource A" and "Resource B".

Process X:

  • Acquires Resource A
  • Tries to acquire Resource B but is blocked because it is being used by Process Y

Process Y:

  • Acquires Resource B
  • Tries to acquire Resource A but is blocked because it is being used by Process X

In this scenario, Process X and Process Y are both waiting for the other to release a resource, resulting in a deadlock. Neither process can proceed, and the system becomes unresponsive.

It is important to note that the critical section in os can be solved by using synchronization techniques such as semaphores, monitors, and mutual exclusion algorithms like Peterson’s algorithm and Lamport’s bakery algorithm

Solutions to the Critical Section Problem in OS:

There are several solutions to the Critical Section Problem in os, each with their own advantages and disadvantages. Some of the most popular solutions include

Semaphores: A semaphore is a data structure that is used to control access to shared resources. It is typically implemented as a counter that is incremented or decremented when a process enters or exits the critical section. When the counter reaches zero, no other process is allowed to enter the critical section.
Monitors: A monitor is a software construct that provides a way for processes to synchronize access to shared resources. It is essentially a collection of procedures, each of which defines a critical section, and a mechanism for controlling access to those procedures. Monitors are typically implemented using semaphores.
Peterson’s Algorithm: Peterson’s Algorithm is a solution to the Critical Section Problem in os for two processes. It uses shared memory and atomic instructions (such as test-and-set) to ensure that only one process can enter the critical section at a time.
Lamport’s Bakery Algorithm: Lamport’s Bakery Algorithm is a solution to the Critical Section Problem in os for multiple processes. It uses shared memory and atomic instructions (such as test-and-set) to ensure that only one process can enter the critical section at a time.
Software and Hardware Techniques: Software and Hardware techniques such as spin locks, lock-free data structures, and atomic operations can be used to solve the Critical Section Problem in os.

Each of these solutions has its own advantages and disadvantages, such as efficiency, scalability, and ease of implementation. It is important to carefully evaluate the requirements of the specific application and choose the appropriate solution.

Implementation of How to Use the Critical Section in OS:

The critical section is a part of a program where a process or thread accesses shared resources, such as shared memory or files. To demonstrate the critical section in code, we can use a simple example of a shared counter that is incremented by multiple threads.

Code Implementation:

import threading

counter = 0
lock = threading.Lock()

def increment_counter():
    global counter
        # critical section
        counter += 1

# Create two threads that increment the counter
t1 = threading.Thread(target=increment_counter)
t2 = threading.Thread(target=increment_counter)

# Start the threads

# Wait for the threads to finish




In this example, the shared variable counter is incremented by two threads using the increment_counter() function. The critical section is the line counter += 1, which is where the shared variable is accessed and modified. To ensure that the shared variable is accessed in a mutually exclusive manner, we use a lock object lock to acquire and release the lock before and after accessing the shared variable.

It’s important to note that the use of locks is not the only way to handle critical sections, other mechanisms such as semaphores and monitors can also be used.

The concept of a critical section in operating systems plays a vital role as it ensures the proper management and protection of shared resources. By allowing only one process or thread to access a critical section at a time, it prevents conflicts, race conditions, and data inconsistencies. Synchronization mechanisms, such as semaphores, monitors, or critical section objects, are utilized to control and regulate access to critical sections in an operating system. Proper implementation and management of critical sections are essential for maintaining the integrity of shared resources and ensuring the correct functioning of concurrent processes or threads.

Frequently asked questions(FAQs) related to Critical Section in Operating System

Below are some FAQs related to Critical Section in OS:

Q1. Why is synchronization important in a critical section?
Synchronization is crucial in a critical section to ensure that only one process or thread can access a shared resource at a time. It prevents conflicts, race conditions, and data inconsistencies that can occur when multiple processes or threads attempt to access the same resource concurrently.

Q2. What are the common synchronization mechanisms used for critical sections in operating systems?
Common synchronization mechanisms used for critical sections in operating systems include semaphores, monitors, mutexes, spin locks, and critical section objects. These mechanisms provide the necessary synchronization and mutual exclusion to control access to shared resources.

Q3. What problems can arise if proper synchronization is not implemented in a critical section?
Without proper synchronization in a critical section, race conditions can occur, where multiple processes or threads contend for access to a shared resource simultaneously. This can result in data corruption, inconsistent or incorrect results, and unpredictable behavior of the system.

Q4. How can deadlocks be prevented in critical sections?
Deadlocks in critical sections can be prevented by employing techniques such as deadlock avoidance, deadlock detection, or using lock hierarchies. These methods help ensure that resources are allocated and released in a manner that avoids circular dependencies, which are a common cause of deadlocks.

Q5.Are critical sections limited to multi-threaded environments only?
While critical sections are commonly associated with multi-threaded environments, they are not limited to such scenarios. Critical sections can also be relevant in multi-process environments, where inter-process communication and resource sharing require synchronization to prevent conflicts.

Q6. Can a critical section span multiple lines of code?
Yes, a critical section can span multiple lines of code. It typically encompasses the specific section of code where access to shared resources occurs. The critical section should be properly defined and protected by synchronization mechanisms to ensure exclusive access to the shared resource.

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