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Features & Characteristics of Operating System

Last Updated on July 13, 2023 by Mayank Dham

The operating system serves as a software interface that connects users to the hardware components of their system. It acts as a platform that allows individuals, even those with limited computer expertise, to interact with various computer applications and associated services. By examining the multitude of features and qualities possessed by operating systems, we can gain insight into how they facilitate the efficient operation of our computer machines.

What is an Operating System?

The operating system functions as a software application that acts as an intermediary between computer users and the hardware. It facilitates user interaction with the hardware by enabling the utilization of different application programs such as word processors, presentation software, and more.

If you want to know about Operating System in more detail, please refer here

Types of Operating Systems

There are various types of operating systems. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. Below is a list of the most common types of operating systems:

  • Batch Operating System
  • Time-Sharing Operating System
  • Distributed Operating Systems
  • Network Operating System (Server Based Systems)
  • Real-Time Operating System

To know more about types of Operating Systems along with the advantages and disadvantages of each type, refer to this article

Features of the Operating System

Let’s discuss all the features of the Operating System:

  1. User Interface:
    A user interface (UI) is provided by an operating system to allow users to interact with the hardware of the computer system. A user interface is only considered good when it is simple looking, easy to use, and adaptable to user needs. Also, the user interface must be fast and responsive, allowing users to perform actions quickly and efficiently.

  2. Memory Management:
    An Operating System manages computer memory by allocating and deallocating memory for different processes running on the computer. The operating system also provides protection to memory by preventing unauthorized access, virtual memory to expand the physical memory of the computer, and algorithms for the allocation and deallocation of memory.

  3. Process Management:
    An Operating System plays the role of a manager by managing all the processes which are running on the computer. It should be capable of performing multitasks, allowing multiple processes to run simultaneously, and providing process scheduling algorithms to ensure fair resource allocation to processes. It should also have process synchronization and communication capabilities to enable processes to communicate with each other.

  4. Device Management:
    An Operating System manages and controls hardware devices connected to the computer system. It provides device drivers to manage device-specific communication, plug and play to automatically detect and configure new devices, and error detection and handling for device failures.

  5. File Management:
    An Operating System manages files and folders on the computer system. It provides file allocation methods to efficiently store and retrieve files, file naming conventions to enable easy location of files, and file access controls to manage file permissions.

  6. Security:
    An Operating System provides security features to protect against unauthorized access, file encryption to protect sensitive data, firewall, and antivirus software to protect against network and software attacks, and backup and recovery features to ensure data availability in case of data loss or system failure.

  7. Performance:
    An Operating System provides features to ensure the efficient performance of the computer system, including fast boot and shutdown times, low resource consumption, minimal software bloat, and fast response times for user interaction.

Characteristics of Operating System

Below are the detailed characteristics of Operating System:

  1. Concurrency:
    An Operating System should be able to handle multiple tasks or processes at the same time, allowing users to multitask and improve system efficiency.

  2. Hardware Abstraction:
    An operating system should provide hardware abstraction, which means it should provide a uniform interface to hardware devices, making it easier for software applications to interact with hardware devices without having to know the underlying hardware details.

  3. Resource Allocation:
    An operating system should allocate system resources fairly so that each process gets access to the resources it needs to function correctly. It should also allocate resources dynamically, based on the current system load and user demand.

  4. Virtualization:
    An operating system create virtual resources i.e virtual memory and virtual CPUs, in order to enhance the efficiency of system and also to enable multiple processes to run at the same time.

  5. Security:
    An operating system provides security features like protection against unauthorized access, file encryption of sensitive data, firewalls, and antivirus softwares. It also provides features like backup and recovery to ensure data availability in case of data loss or system failure.

  6. Fault Tolerance:
    An operating system is designed in such a way that it is able to handle hardware and software failures and performs error detection and recovery mechanisms in order to minimize system downtime and data loss.

  7. Scalability:
    An operating system is capable to scale from small embedded devices to large servers and clusters, providing efficient resource management and performance regardless of the system size.

  8. Compatibility:
    An operating system is compatible with a wide range of hardware and software devices, allowing software applications to run on different hardware platforms.

  9. Customizability:
    An operating system should be customizable, enabling users to tailor the system to their needs and preferences, such as changing the UI, adding or removing system features, or modifying system settings.

  10. Ease of Use:
    An operating system is user-friendly and very easy to use, providing a simple and intuitive interface for users with no or less computer knowledge to interact with the system and run applications.

In conclusion, the operating system is a crucial component of any computer system as it acts as a bridge between the user and the hardware. It provides a platform for users to interact with various applications and services, even if they have limited computer knowledge. Operating systems offer numerous features and characteristics that contribute to the effective functioning of computer machines.


Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) on Operating Systems:

Q1: What is the most important feature of an Operating System?
A: Concurrency is considered to be one of the most important features of an Operating System, as it allows multiple tasks or processes to run simultaneously and improves system efficiency.

Q2: What is virtualization in an Operating System?
A: Virtualization is a characteristic of an Operating System that enables the creation of virtual resources, such as virtual memory and virtual CPUs, to improve system efficiency and enable multiple processes to run simultaneously.

Q3: Why is security an important characteristic of an Operating System?
A: Security is an important characteristic of an Operating System because it provides protection against unauthorized access, file encryption to protect sensitive data, and backup and recovery features to ensure data availability in case of data loss or system failure.

Q4: What is the difference between compatibility and customizability in an Operating System?
A: Compatibility refers to an Operating System’s ability to work with different hardware and software devices, while customizability refers to the ability of users to tailor the system to their needs and preferences, such as changing the UI, adding or removing system features, or modifying system settings.

Q5: What is the role of an Operating System in resource allocation?
A: An operating system’s role in resource allocation is to allocate system resources fairly so that each process gets access to the resources it needs to function correctly. It should also allocate resources dynamically, based on the current system load and user demand.

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