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Inter Process Communication in OS

Last Updated on August 21, 2023 by Mayank Dham

Inter Process Communication (IPC) constitutes a mechanism commonly provided by the operating system (OS). Its fundamental objective is to streamline communication between diverse processes. In succinct terms, IPC empowers one process to inform another process about the occurrence of an event. Let’s delve into the general characterization of IPC within an operating system and explore various approaches to achieving Inter Process Communication.

What is Inter Process Communication in OS?

Inter-process communication (IPC) serves as a means for transmitting data among multiple threads situated within one or more processes or programs. These processes may be active on a solitary computer or distributed across a network of machines.

It is a set of programming interfaces that enable a programmer to coordinate actions across multiple processes that can run concurrently in an operating system. This enables a given program to handle several user requests at the same time.

Because each user request may cause multiple processes to operate in the operating system, the processes may need to communicate with one another. Because each IPC protocol technique has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, it is not uncommon for a single program to use many protocols.

Synchronization in Inter Process Communication

Within the realm of Inter Process Communication in an operating system, synchronization assumes a crucial role. It guarantees that processes engage in communication and harmonize their actions with security and meticulousness. The subsequent techniques exemplify synchronization methodologies employed in IPC:

  • Semaphores: Semaphores are a synchronization tool used to control access to shared resources by multiple processes. Semaphores are essentially counters that are used to regulate access to shared resources.
  • Mutexes: Mutexes (short for "mutual exclusion") are a synchronization mechanism used to ensure that only one process can access a shared resource at a time.
  • Monitors: Monitors are a synchronization mechanism used to regulate access to shared resources in a multi-process environment. A monitor provides a mechanism for processes to request and release ownership of a shared resource.
  • Condition Variables: Condition variables are used to coordinate access to shared resources by multiple processes. A process waits on a condition variable until another process signals that it can proceed.

Each of these synchronization methods has its own advantages and disadvantages, and the choice of a particular method depends on the specific requirements of the application. In general, the use of synchronization methods in IPC ensures that shared resources are accessed in a safe and controlled manner, and helps to prevent conflicts and race conditions.

Approaches for Inter Process Communication in OS

We will now go through some different approaches to inter process communication in OS, which are as follows:

We’ll go over each of them individually to get a better understanding of them.


Pipes is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It allows processes to communicate with each other by reading from and writing to a common channel, which acts as a buffer between the processes. Pipes can be either named or anonymous, depending on whether they have a unique name or not.

Named pipes are a type of pipe that has a unique name, and can be accessed by multiple processes. Named pipes can be used for communication between processes running on the same host or between processes running on different hosts over a network.

Anonymous pipes, on the other hand, are pipes that are created for communication between a parent process and its child process. Anonymous pipes are typically used for one-way communication between processes, as they do not have a unique name and can only be accessed by the processes that created them.

In IPC, pipes can be used for a variety of purposes, such as exchanging data between processes, coordinating the activities of multiple processes, and implementing pipelines, which are sequences of processes that communicate with each other through pipes.

The use of pipes in IPC is a simple and efficient method of communication, as they provide a way for processes to exchange data without the overhead of more complex IPC methods, such as sockets or message passing. However, pipes have limited capabilities compared to other IPC methods, as they only support one-way communication and have limited buffer sizes.

Message Passing

Message passing is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It involves the exchange of messages between processes, where each process sends and receives messages to coordinate its activities and exchange data with other processes.

In message passing, each process has a unique identifier, known as a process ID, and messages are sent from one process to another using this identifier. When a process sends a message, it specifies the recipient process ID and the contents of the message, and the operating system is responsible for delivering the message to the recipient process. The recipient process can then retrieve the contents of the message and respond, if necessary.

Message passing is used in IPC for a variety of purposes, such as exchanging data between processes, coordinating the activities of multiple processes, and implementing complex communication protocols between processes.

The main advantage of message passing is that it provides a flexible and scalable method of communication between processes, as processes can communicate with each other even if they are running on different hosts or in different network domains. Additionally, message passing provides a way for processes to communicate without being tightly coupled, as the sender and receiver processes do not need to share any common resources or have a direct connection.

However, message passing also has some disadvantages, such as increased overhead due to the need to copy messages between address spaces, and the possibility of message loss or corruption due to network failures or other system issues. Despite these limitations, message passing remains a popular and widely used method of IPC in operating systems.

Message Queue

Message Queue is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It involves the use of a shared queue, where processes can add messages and retrieve messages for communication. The queue acts as a buffer for the messages and provides a way for processes to exchange data and coordinate their activities.

In Message Queue IPC, each message has a priority associated with it, and messages are retrieved from the queue in order of their priority. This allows processes to prioritize the delivery of important messages and ensures that critical messages are not blocked by less important messages in the queue.

Message Queue IPC provides a flexible and scalable method of communication between processes, as messages can be sent and received asynchronously, allowing processes to continue executing while they wait for messages to arrive. Additionally, Message Queue IPC supports the communication between processes running on different hosts, as the message queue can be implemented as a network service.

The main disadvantage of Message Queue IPC is that it can introduce additional overhead, as messages must be copied between address spaces, and the queue must be managed by the operating system to ensure that it remains synchronized and consistent across all processes. Despite these limitations, Message Queue IPC remains a popular and widely used method of IPC in operating systems.

Shared Memory

Shared memory is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It involves the use of a shared memory region, where multiple processes can access the same data in memory. Shared memory provides a way for processes to exchange data and coordinate their activities by accessing a common area of memory.

In shared memory IPC, the operating system sets up a shared memory region and maps it into the address spaces of the processes that need to access it. Each process can then read and write to the shared memory region, allowing them to exchange data and coordinate their activities.

Shared memory IPC provides a high-performance method of communication between processes, as it eliminates the need to copy data between address spaces and allows processes to access the same data in memory. This makes shared memory IPC particularly useful for applications that need to exchange large amounts of data, such as multimedia applications or scientific simulations.

However, shared memory IPC also has some limitations, as it requires processes to coordinate their access to the shared memory region to ensure that it remains synchronized and consistent. Additionally, shared memory IPC can introduce security risks, as processes can potentially access and modify data in memory that they should not have access to. Despite these limitations, shared memory IPC remains a popular and widely used method of IPC in operating systems.

Direct Communication

Direct communication is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It involves the direct exchange of data between processes, without the use of intermediate communication mechanisms such as message passing, message queues, or shared memory.

In direct communication, processes communicate with each other by exchanging data directly, either by passing data as parameters to function calls or by reading and writing to shared data structures in memory. Direct communication is typically used when processes need to exchange small amounts of data, or when they need to coordinate their activities in a simple and straightforward manner.

The main advantage of direct communication is that it provides a simple and direct way for processes to communicate, as processes can access each other’s data directly without the need for intermediate communication mechanisms. This can result in lower overhead and improved performance, as data does not need to be copied between address spaces.

However, direct communication also has some limitations, as it can lead to tight coupling between processes, and it can make it more difficult to change the communication mechanism in the future, as direct communication is hardcoded into the processes themselves. Despite these limitations, direct communication remains a popular and widely used method of IPC in operating systems.

Indirect Communication

Indirect communication is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It involves the use of intermediate communication mechanisms, such as message passing, message queues, or shared memory, to exchange data between processes.

In indirect communication, processes communicate with each other by adding messages to a shared communication mechanism, such as a message queue or a shared memory region. The communication mechanism acts as an intermediary, allowing processes to exchange data and coordinate their activities in a more decoupled and flexible manner.

The main advantage of indirect communication is that it provides a more flexible and scalable way for processes to communicate, as processes do not need to have direct access to each other’s data. This can result in a more modular and maintainable system, as processes can be developed and maintained independently, and the communication mechanism can be changed or updated without affecting the processes themselves.

However, indirect communication can also introduce additional overhead, as data must be copied between address spaces, and the communication mechanism must be managed by the operating system to ensure that it remains synchronized and consistent across all processes. Despite these limitations, indirect communication remains a popular and widely used method of IPC in operating systems.


FIFO (First-In-First-Out) is a method of Inter Process Communication in OS. It involves the use of a FIFO buffer, which acts as a queue for exchanging data between processes.

In the FIFO method, one process writes data to the FIFO buffer, and another process reads the data from the buffer in the order in which it was written. The FIFO buffer acts as a queue, with the oldest data being read first, and the newest data being added to the end of the queue.

The main advantage of the FIFO method is that it provides a simple and straightforward way for processes to communicate, as data is exchanged in a sequential manner, and there is no need for processes to coordinate their access to the FIFO buffer. This makes FIFO particularly useful for applications that need to exchange data in a sequential manner, such as printing applications or pipeline-based processing systems.

However, the FIFO method can also introduce limitations, as it may result in slow performance if the buffer becomes full and data must be written to the disk, or if the buffer becomes empty and data must be read from the disk. Additionally, the FIFO method is limited in terms of the amount of data that can be exchanged, as the buffer has a finite size. Despite these limitations, the FIFO method remains a popular and widely used method of IPC in operating systems.

Why Inter Process Communication (IPC) needed?

Inter Process Communication in OS is needed because:

  • Resource Sharing: IPC enables multiple processes to share resources, such as memory and file systems, allowing for better resource utilization and increased system performance.
  • Coordination and Synchronization: IPC provides a way for processes to coordinate their activities and synchronize access to shared resources, ensuring that the system operates in a safe and controlled manner.
  • Communication: IPC enables processes to communicate with each other, allowing for the exchange of data and information between processes.
  • Modularity: IPC enables the development of modular software, where processes can be developed and executed independently, and then combined to form a larger system.
  • Flexibility: IPC allows processes to run on different hosts or nodes in a network, providing greater flexibility and scalability in large and complex systems.

Overall, IPC is essential for building complex and scalable systems in operating systems, as it enables processes to coordinate their activities, share resources, and communicate with each other in a safe and controlled manner.

In conclusion, Inter Process Communication (IPC) stands as a pivotal element within the realm of operating systems, facilitating efficient data exchange and coordination among various processes. Synchronization mechanisms ensure orderly and secure communication, enabling processes to interact and collaborate seamlessly. Understanding IPC and its synchronization methods is fundamental for building robust and effective multi-process systems.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) related to Inter Process Communication in OS:

1. Why is Inter Process Communication (IPC) important in operating systems?
IPC enables processes to share data, exchange information, and coordinate their activities, which is essential for building complex applications and multitasking environments.

2. What are some common scenarios where IPC is used?
IPC is used in scenarios such as inter-thread communication, client-server applications, distributed systems, parallel processing, and multi-core processors.

3. What are the advantages of using synchronization methods in IPC?
Synchronization methods in IPC ensure that data sharing and communication occur in an organized and safe manner, preventing conflicts and maintaining data integrity.

4. What are some common synchronization methods used in IPC?
Common synchronization methods include mutexes, semaphores, condition variables, monitors, and message passing, each offering specific benefits for coordinating processes.

5. How does IPC impact performance and efficiency in a multi-process environment?
Properly implemented IPC enhances performance by enabling efficient resource sharing and minimizing data duplication. However, inefficient use of IPC can lead to overhead and contention, impacting performance negatively.

6. Are there any challenges associated with IPC and synchronization?
Yes, challenges include avoiding deadlocks, ensuring proper sequencing of operations, handling race conditions, and balancing performance with synchronization overhead.

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