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Function Overloading in Python

Last Updated on July 12, 2023 by Mayank Dham

Function overloading is a powerful concept in programming that allows a programmer to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameters or argument types. It is a fundamental feature of object-oriented programming languages, including Python. Function overloading enables code reusability, and flexibility, and enhances the readability and maintainability of programs.
In this article, we will explore the concept of function overloading in Python and understand how it can be leveraged to write more concise and efficient code. We will delve into the mechanics of function overloading, discuss its benefits, and provide practical examples to demonstrate its usage in Python. Let’s see what is function overloading in Python with example.

What is Function Overloading?

Function overloading refers to the ability to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameters or argument types within a programming language. It is a feature found in many object-oriented programming languages, including Python.

With function overloading, the programmer can define multiple functions with the same name, but each function can have a different number of parameters or parameters of different types. When a function is called, the compiler or interpreter determines which specific function to execute based on the arguments provided during the function call.

The concept of function overloading allows for code reusability and provides flexibility in handling different scenarios. It enables programmers to define functions with the same functionality but tailored to work with different types of data or handle different situations. By using function overloading, developers can write more concise and expressive code, improve code readability, and avoid naming conflicts.

Function Overloading in Python

Function overloading, as the name suggests, is the practice of using the same function numerous times with various numbers of arguments. However, the overloading of functions is not supported in Python. If we implement the function overloading code as we do in other languages, an error is thrown. Python lacks a data type for method parameters, which is the cause.

The new function with the same name replaces the prior function with the same name (but with different parameters). Therefore, we now see an error if we attempt to call the original function, which had a different number of parameters while passing a different number of arguments that are defined in the second function. Let’s attempt to comprehend the same.


# your code goes here

def add(a,b):
def add(a,b,c):

# add(2,3)  this will not run it gives error




In the above python program we have two methods or function names as add. The first add function takes two parametre and another add function takes three parameters, so this is method overloading both these have the same name but have different parameters. In python, method overloading is not possible so the second add function (which has three parameters) overrides the first one. so if use add (2,3) it will give an error, now add function takes only three arguments. so if we observe on the output screen we have 6, because add(1,2,3) add these numbers and we got 6 as an output.

Different Ways to Achieve Function Overloading in Python.

Method 1: For Function Overloading in Python

In this method we can use the argument to make or work the same function differently as per the arguments. this method is not the most efficient method.


# your code goes here
# your code goes here

def add(datatype, *args):
    if datatype == 'int':
        ans = 0
    if datatype == 'str':
        ans = ''
    # Traverse through the arguments
    for i in args:
        ans = ans + i
# Integer
add('int', 2, 8)
# String
add('str', 'college ', 'Dekho')


college Dekho

In the above python program we use argument to make the same function work differently, here we have ‘add’ name function, which also takes datatype variable (as a string) in which if the datatype is ‘str’ then ans = ‘ ’, be the empty string and if the datatype=’int’ then and is initialized with the value 0. after this we traverse on argument simply by ‘for’ loop and add all the arguments. So if we observe on the output screen we have 10 which comes by the addition of integers 2 and 8 and this add function also add two string ‘college’ + ‘Dekho’ which comes on the output screen as a whole string ‘college Dekho’.

Method 2: For Python Function Overloading

In this method we can achieve the function overloading by user-defined function using the “None”
Keyword as the default parameter.


# your code goes here
def multiply(a=None, b=None):
    if a != None and b == None:
    # else will be executed if both are available and returns multiplication of two
# two arguments are passed, returns addition of two
multiply(2, 12)
# only one argument is passed, returns a



The "multiply" method’s first parameter is set to None. As a result, we will have the choice of calling it with or without a parameter.

The technique determines whether or not both parameters are available.
Since "None" has previously been specified as the default value for each parameter, "None" will remain the value if any values are not given.
We can achieve method overloading by using If-Else statements to verify each parameter separately.
So when only one argument is given it simply prints the given argument and when the arguments are two, multiply(2,12) it gives 24 only console.

Method 3: Python Function Overloading

In this method we use Multiple Dispatch Decorator and it is an efficient method, Multiple Dispatch Decorator can be installed by:

By this command

pip3 install multipledispatch


from multipledispatch import dispatch
# passing one parameter

@dispatch(int, int)
def product(first, second):
    result = first*second

# passing two parameters

@dispatch(int, int, int)
def product(first, second, third):
    result = first * second * third

# calling product method with 2 arguments
product(2, 5) # this will give output of 10

# calling the product method/function  with 3 arguments 
product(2, 5, 2) # this will give output of 20



Dispatcher builds an object in the backend that maintains various implementations, and at runtime, it chooses the best method based on the kind and quantity of passed-in parameters.

So in the above python program product function run in both cases, when the argument are two and when the argument are three. So in output, we observe product(2,5) gives 10 which simply multiply the two number and product(2,5,2) which have three arguments and it gives 20 on the console. So this is how function overloading can happen in python.

In conclusion, while function overloading is not directly supported in Python as it is in some other programming languages, such as C++ or Java, Python offers alternative approaches to achieve similar functionality. By leveraging default argument values, variable-length argument lists, or using different function names, we can effectively achieve the desired behavior of function overloading in Python.

Throughout this article, we explored the concept of function overloading and its significance in programming. We discussed how function overloading allows us to define multiple functions with the same name but different parameters or argument types. Although Python does not have built-in function overloading, we discovered alternative techniques that provide similar benefits and flexibility.

FAQ For Function Overloading in Python

Q1. Can I define multiple functions with the same name in Python?
Yes, you can define multiple functions with the same name in Python, but each function must have a unique set of parameters or different argument types to differentiate them. Python achieves similar functionality to function overloading through alternative techniques like default argument values or variable-length argument lists.

Q2. How does function overloading enhance code readability?
Function overloading, or its equivalent in Python, improves code readability by providing a consistent and intuitive naming scheme. Having a single function name with different parameter variations allows programmers to understand the purpose and behavior of the function more easily.

Q3. Can I change the number of arguments when overloading functions in Python?
Yes, you can change the number of arguments by using default argument values or variable-length argument lists. Default argument values allow you to provide a default value for an argument if it is not explicitly provided during the function call. Variable-length argument lists, denoted with the ‘*’ or ‘**’ syntax, enable functions to accept a varying number of arguments.

Q4. Is function overloading a common practice in Python programming?
While function overloading is not a common practice in Python due to the language’s dynamic nature and flexibility, alternative approaches are used to achieve similar functionality. Python emphasizes code simplicity and readability, often favoring different function names or using flexible argument handling techniques.

Q5. Can I overload functions based on argument types in Python?
Python does not provide built-in support for function overloading based on argument types like some statically-typed languages. However, you can use techniques such as type annotations and conditional statements within functions to handle different argument types and achieve similar behavior.

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