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Python Upper function

Last Updated on November 1, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

In the world of programming, text manipulation is a fundamental skill, and Python offers a robust set of tools to make it easier. One such tool is the upper function in Python, a versatile method that allows you to transform text effortlessly. Whether you’re working on data cleaning, string formatting, or user input validation, the upper function in Python can be your ally.

In this article, we’ll explore the upper function in Python, examining how it works, when to use it, and practical examples of its application. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to leverage this function to manipulate text and enhance your Python coding capabilities.

What is the Upper() Function in Python?

The python upper function is a built-in function in Python that is used to convert all lowercase letters in a string to uppercase. It does not modify the original string; instead, it returns a new string with all the lowercase letters converted to uppercase. The upper() function is part of the string class in Python and can be used on any string object.

Syntax of the Upper() Function in Python

The syntax for the python upper function is quite simple and easy to understand. Here is the basic syntax:


In the syntax above, string is the name of the string that you want to convert to uppercase using the upper() function.

Return Value of the Upper() Function in Python

The upper() function in Python returns a new string with all the lowercase letters in the original string converted to uppercase. If the original string is already in uppercase, the upper() function returns the same string without any modifications.

Time Complexity of Python Upper Function

The time complexity of the python upper function is O(n), where n is the length of the input string. This is because the function needs to iterate through each character in the string to check if it is alphabetic and convert it to uppercase if necessary. Since the function needs to check each character in the string, its time complexity scales linearly with the length of the input string.

Examples of the Python Upper Function in Python

To give you a better idea of how the upper() function works in Python, let’s take a look at some examples.

Example 1: Convert a string to uppercase using the upper() function
In this example, we will use the upper() function to convert a string to uppercase. Here is the code:

# your code goes here

# Convert a string to uppercase using the upper() function
string = "hello world"
upper_string = string.upper()

# Print the original string and the uppercase string
print("Original String:", string)
print("Uppercase String:", upper_string)


Original String: hello world
Uppercase String: HELLO WORLD

In the code above, we created a string variable named string that contains the string "hello world." We then used the upper() function to convert the string to uppercase and store the result in a new variable called upper_string. Finally, we printed both the original string and the uppercase string to the console.

Example 2: Using the python upper function with user input
In this example, we will take input from the user and convert it to uppercase using the upper() function. Here is the code:

# your code goes here

# Using the upper() function with user input
string = input("Enter a string: ")
upper_string = string.upper()
# Print the original string and the uppercase string
print("Original String:", string)
print("Uppercase String:", upper_string)


Enter a string: Original String: Hello prepbytes
Uppercase String: HELLO PREPBYTES

In the code above, we used the input() function to get string input from the user. We then used the upper() function to convert the string to uppercase and stored the result in a new variable called upper_string. Finally, we printed both the original string and the uppercase string to the console.

Example 3: Using the python upper function to convert a list of strings to uppercase

# your code goes here

my_list = ["hello", "world", "example"]
# Using list comprehension to create a new list with uppercase strings
uppercase_list = [string.upper() for string in my_list]



In this code, we first define a list of strings called my_list. Then we use a list comprehension to create a new list called uppercase_list that contains the uppercase versions of each string in my_list. The upper() method is called on each string to convert it to uppercase. Finally, we print the resulting uppercase_list.

The upper function in Python is a handy utility that simplifies text manipulation tasks by converting characters to uppercase. Its versatility makes it valuable in various programming scenarios, from data cleaning to user input validation and string formatting.

In this article, we’ve explored the workings of the upper function in Python, examined its use cases, and provided practical examples of its application. By incorporating this function into your Python programming repertoire, you’ll have an essential tool at your disposal for dealing with text data effectively.

As you continue to explore Python’s capabilities, remember that the upper() function is just one of many tools in your toolkit. By mastering its usage, you’re well on your way to becoming a more proficient Python developer, equipped to tackle a wide range of text-related challenges with ease.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ) Related to Upper Function in Python

Sure, here are some frequently asked questions about the Python upper function:

1. What does the upper() function do in Python?
The upper() function is a built-in method in Python that converts all alphabetic characters in a string to uppercase, leaving non-alphabetic characters unchanged.

2. How do I use the upper() function?
You can use the upper() function by calling it on a string like this: my_string.upper(), where my_string is the string you want to convert to uppercase.

3. Can I use the upper() function on a string with non-alphabetic characters?
Yes, you can. The upper() function will only affect alphabetic characters and leave all other characters, including numbers and symbols, unchanged.

4. Does the upper() function modify the original string?
No, the upper() function returns a new string with all alphabetic characters converted to uppercase. It does not modify the original string. To save the result, you should assign it to a variable.

5. Is the upper() function case-sensitive?
No, the upper() function is not case-sensitive. It converts all alphabetic characters, regardless of their original case, to uppercase.

6. Can I use the upper() function on non-string data types?
No, the upper() function is specific to strings in Python. It will not work on other data types like integers, floats, or lists.

7. Are there equivalent functions for converting text to lowercase or title case?
Yes, Python provides the lower() function for converting text to lowercase and the title() function for converting text to title case (where the first letter of each word is capitalized).

8. How can I handle non-ASCII characters when using upper()?
The upper() function works with non-ASCII characters as well, converting them to their corresponding uppercase forms. Python’s Unicode support ensures proper handling of a wide range of characters.

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