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Wipro Python Language Questions

Last Updated on February 21, 2023 by Prepbytes

Wipro has been recognized as a "Most Admired Company" and a "Global 1000 Leader" by Fortune magazine. In 2020, Wipro reported revenue of $8.1 billion and employed over 190,000 people worldwide. The company has a strong focus on sustainability and has set a goal to become carbon-neutral by 2040. Wipro has acquired several companies over the years, including Appirio, Designit, and Capco. The company is led by CEO Thierry Delaporte, who joined Wipro in 2020. Wipro is an Indian multinational corporation that provides information technology, consulting, and business process services. In this article, we will discuss some python language questions asked in wipro technical interviews.

Wipro Python Language Questions

Here are a list of some python language questions commonly asked in Wipro interview:

Question 1) What are the benefits of Python?
Answer: Python is a high-level, interpreted programming language that has many benefits, including:

  • Easy to learn and use: Python has a simple and easy-to-read syntax, making it an ideal language for beginners. It also has a vast community of developers and resources available, which can help you learn and solve problems quickly.
  • Large standard library: Python has a vast standard library that includes modules for a wide range of tasks, from web development to scientific computing. This saves developers time and effort by providing a ready-made solution for common programming tasks.
  • Cross-platform compatibility: Python code can run on multiple operating systems such as Windows, macOS, and Linux, without the need for any modifications. This makes it a highly versatile language for development across different platforms.
  • Strong community support: Python has a large and active community of developers who contribute to the language’s development and provide support for new users. This means there are many resources available, including documentation, tutorials, and forums, to help solve problems and learn new techniques.
  • Extensibility: Python can be easily extended with new modules or libraries written in other languages like C or C++. This allows developers to take advantage of the performance and functionality of other languages while still writing code in Python.

Question 2) Where is the (,, etc.) source file?
Answer: The,,, and other similar built-in Python modules are written in the Python programming language itself, and their source code can be found in the Python Standard Library.
On a typical installation of Python, the source code for the Standard Library modules is located in the Lib directory of the Python installation

Question 3) What is a boolean in Python?
Answer: In Python, a boolean is a type of data that can only have one of two values: True or False. Booleans are used in conditional statements to control the flow of a program.
In Python, the boolean type is represented by the built-in bool class, which has two instances: True and False. These values are keywords in Python and do not need to be imported from a module.

Question 4) Define Python Path?
Answer: In Python, the term "path" refers to the list of directories where the Python interpreter looks for modules to import.

When you run a Python script that uses an external module, the interpreter needs to know where to find the module’s source code. By default, the interpreter looks for modules in the current working directory and in the directories specified in the PYTHONPATH environment variable.The PYTHONPATH environment variable is a list of directories that are searched when importing modules. It is similar to the system PATH variable, which specifies directories where the operating system looks for executable files.

You can add directories to the PYTHONPATH variable by setting it in your shell environment or by adding it to your Python code using the sys.path list. Here’s an example of how to add a directory to PYTHONPATH using the shell environment:

Question 5) Why do we use the split method in Python?
Answer: The split() method in Python is used to separate a string into a list of substrings based on a specified separator. The separator can be a space, comma, newline character, or any other character or string.

We use the split() method for several reasons, including:

  • Extracting individual words or values from a string: When working with strings that contain multiple words or values, the split() method can be used to separate them into individual elements. For example, string.split(‘ ‘) will split a string into a list of words separated by spaces.
  • Parsing data from files: When reading data from a file, the split() method can be used to split the lines into individual fields, which can then be processed as needed. For example, line.split(‘,’) will split a comma-separated line into a list of values.
  • Cleaning and formatting text data: The split() method can also be used to clean and format text data. For example, you can split a string into words, remove unwanted characters, and then re-join the words to create a cleaner version of the original string.

Overall, the split() method is a useful tool for working with strings in Python and is used in a wide variety of applications.

Question 6) Differentiate between SciPy and NumPy?
Answer: NumPy and SciPy are both open-source Python libraries used for scientific computing and data analysis, but they have different functionalities.

NumPy is the fundamental package for scientific computing in Python, and it provides a multidimensional array object, tools for working with arrays, and functions for linear algebra, Fourier analysis, and random number generation. NumPy is designed to be efficient, and it provides fast operations on arrays and large collections of numerical data.

SciPy, on the other hand, is built on top of NumPy and provides additional functionality for scientific computing. SciPy includes modules for optimization, integration, interpolation, eigenvalue problems, signal processing, linear algebra, sparse matrix operations, and statistics, among others.

Here are some key differences between NumPy and SciPy:

  • NumPy is focused on the creation and manipulation of arrays, while SciPy is focused on scientific algorithms.
  • NumPy provides basic mathematical functions for manipulating arrays, while SciPy provides advanced mathematical functions for scientific computing.
  • NumPy is a core library for scientific computing in Python, while SciPy is a collection of functions that work with NumPy arrays.
  • NumPy is faster than SciPy for basic array operations, but SciPy is faster for more advanced mathematical functions.

Overall, NumPy and SciPy are both essential libraries for scientific computing in Python, and they complement each other to provide a wide range of tools for numerical and scientific computing.

Question 7) How memory management is done in Python?
Answer: In Python, memory management is handled automatically by the Python runtime environment using a combination of techniques including reference counting and a garbage collector.

Reference counting is a technique where Python keeps track of the number of references to an object. When an object is created, it is assigned a reference count of one. Each time a new reference is created, the reference count is incremented, and each time a reference is destroyed, the reference count is decremented. When the reference count for an object reaches zero, the object is no longer accessible and its memory is freed.The garbage collector periodically runs in the background and identifies objects that are no longer accessible through any reference chains. These objects are then marked as garbage and their memory is freed.

Question 8) Given a 2D array, print it in spiral form. See the following examples.

Sample Input

1    2   3   4
 5    6   7   8
9   10  11  12
13  14  15  16


# your code goes here

def spiralOrder(arr):
    while arr:
        arr= (list(zip(*arr)))[::-1]
    return ans
arr=[[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6],[7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12],[13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18]]


1 2 3 4 5 6 12 18 17 16 15 14 13 7 8 9 10 11

Question 9) How do we convert the string to lowercase?
Answer: In Python, you can convert a string to lowercase using the lower() method.

Question 10) Program to check if two given matrices are identical

Sample Input



# Python program to check for the sum
# condition to be satisfied

def binarySearch(A, low, high, searchKey):
    m = 0
    while (low <= high):
        m = (high + low) // 2
        # Check if searchKey is present at mid
        if (A[m] == searchKey):
            return 1
        # If searchKey greater, ignore left half
        if (A[m] < searchKey):
            low = m + 1
        # If searchKey is smaller, ignore right half
            high = m - 1
    # if we reach here, then element was
    # not present
    return 0

def checkTwoSum(A, arr_size, sum):

    # sort the array
    l = 0
    r = arr_size-1

    # Traversing all element in an array search for searchKey
    i = 0
    while i < arr_size-1:
        searchKey = sum-A[i]
        # calling binarySearch function
        if(binarySearch(A, i+1, r, searchKey) == 1):
            return 1
        i = i+1

    return 0

A = [1,-2,1,0,5]
n = 0
if (checkTwoSum(A, len(A), n)):


Matrices are identical

Question 11) What are Dict and List comprehensions in Python?
Answer: In Python, a comprehension is a concise way of creating a new list, set, or dictionary from an existing iterable, such as a list or a range of numbers. There are two main types of comprehensions in Python: list comprehensions and dictionary comprehensions.

A list comprehension is a way to create a new list by iterating over an existing iterable and applying an expression to each element in the iterable. The resulting values are collected into a new list.

Question 12) What are the two major loop statements?
Answer: The two major loop statements in most programming languages are the "for" loop and the "while" loop.

The "for" loop is typically used to iterate over a fixed number of elements or a specific range of values. It includes an initialization statement that sets the initial value of the iterator, a condition statement that specifies the stopping condition, and an increment statement that modifies the iterator at each iteration. The syntax for a "for" loop varies between programming languages, but the general structure remains similar.

The "while" loop is typically used when the number of iterations is not known in advance or depends on a particular condition. It includes a condition statement that is checked at the beginning of each iteration, and the loop continues to execute as long as the condition is true. The syntax for a "while" loop also varies between programming languages, but it generally includes a condition statement and a block of code to be executed repeatedly

Question 13) What are the built-in types available in Python?
Answer: Python has several built-in data types that are commonly used in programming. These data types include:
Numbers: Python supports several numeric data types, including integers, floating-point numbers, and complex numbers.

  • Strings: Strings are sequences of characters enclosed in single or double quotes. They can be manipulated in various ways using built-in functions and operators.
  • Lists: Lists are sequences of items that can be of any type. They are enclosed in square brackets and can be indexed and sliced to access specific elements.
  • Tuples: Tuples are similar to lists, but they are immutable, meaning that their contents cannot be changed once they are created.
  • Sets: Sets are unordered collections of unique elements. They can be created using the set() function or by enclosing a sequence of items in curly braces.
  • Dictionaries: Dictionaries are key-value pairs that allow you to store and retrieve values based on their associated keys. They are enclosed in curly braces and consist of one or more key-value pairs.
  • Booleans: Booleans are a type of data that can only take on two values: True or False.

These are the main built-in types in Python, but there are other types available as well, such as bytes, bytearrays, and ranges. Additionally, Python allows you to define your own custom data types using classes and objects.

Question 14) Check if a pair exists with given sum in given array

Sample Input

{1, -2, 1, 0, 5}



# Python program to check for the sum
# condition to be satisfied

def binarySearch(A, low, high, searchKey):
    m = 0
    while (low <= high):
        m = (high + low) // 2
        # Check if searchKey is present at mid
        if (A[m] == searchKey):
            return 1
        # If searchKey greater, ignore left half
        if (A[m] < searchKey):
            low = m + 1
        # If searchKey is smaller, ignore right half
            high = m - 1
    # if we reach here, then element was
    # not present
    return 0

def checkTwoSum(A, arr_size, sum):

    # sort the array
    l = 0
    r = arr_size-1

    # Traversing all element in an array search for searchKey
    i = 0
    while i < arr_size-1:
        searchKey = sum-A[i]
        # calling binarySearch function
        if(binarySearch(A, i+1, r, searchKey) == 1):
            return 1
        i = i+1

    return 0

A = [1,-2,1,0,5]
n = 0
if (checkTwoSum(A, len(A), n)):



Question 15) Define String in Python?
Answer: In Python, a string is a sequence of characters enclosed within single quotes, double quotes, or triple quotes. Strings can contain letters, numbers, symbols, and spaces, and can be manipulated and operated upon using various string methods and operators.

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQ):

Here are some frequently asked questions about the Wipro Python language interview:

Question 1) What kind of questions can I expect in a Wipro Python language interview?
Answer: Wipro may ask you questions related to Python concepts such as object-oriented programming, control structures, file handling, data structures, modules, and packages. You may also be asked to write code snippets to solve programming problems.

Question 2) How can I prepare for the Wipro Python language interview?
Answer: You can prepare for the Wipro Python language interview by reviewing Python concepts and practicing coding problems. You can find online resources such as Python documentation, tutorials, and coding challenge websites to practice your skills.

Question 3) Do I need to have prior work experience with Python to clear the Wipro Python language interview?
Answer: While prior work experience with Python can be helpful, it is not necessarily a requirement. Wipro may evaluate your knowledge of Python concepts and your ability to solve programming problems during the interview process.

Question 4) Will I be asked about other technologies or programming languages during the Wipro Python language interview?
Answer: It is possible that you may be asked about other technologies or programming languages, but the focus of the interview will likely be on your knowledge of Python. However, it’s always a good idea to be prepared to discuss your experience with other technologies or programming languages that may be relevant to the position.

Question 5) How can I showcase my knowledge and skills during the Wipro Python language interview?
Answer: You can showcase your knowledge and skills during the Wipro Python language interview by being confident, demonstrating your problem-solving skills, and providing clear and concise explanations for your answers. You can also showcase your ability to work collaboratively by asking questions and seeking feedback during the interview process.

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