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EGREP Command In Linux With Examples

Last Updated on November 21, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

Linux is renowned for its powerful command-line tools, which offer tremendous flexibility and control over various tasks. One of these essential tools is egrep. egrep is a versatile command that allows users to search and manipulate text using regular expressions. In this article, we will delve into the depths of egrep, exploring its capabilities, syntax, and providing practical examples to help you harness its potential.

What is egrep in Linux?

egrep is a command-line utility that searches text using extended regular expressions. It is an enhanced version of the grep command, providing additional features and flexibility for matching patterns in text. Regular expressions are sequences of characters that define search patterns, making them powerful tools for text manipulation.

Basic Syntax of egrep in Linux

The basic syntax of the egrep command is:

egrep [options] pattern [file(s)]
  • options: These are optional flags that modify egrep’s behavior.
  • pattern: This is the regular expression pattern you want to search for.
  • file(s): These are the optional files you want to search within. If omitted, egrep will read from standard input.

Common Options
egrep provides a wide array of options to fine-tune its behavior. Here are some of the most common ones:

  • -i (ignore case): This flag makes the pattern matching case-insensitive.
  • -v (invert match): It returns lines that do not match the pattern.
  • -r (recursive): Searches directories and their subdirectories.
  • -l (list filenames): Displays only the names of files that contain matching lines.
  • -o (only matching): Prints only the part of the line that matches the pattern.
  • -c (count): Shows the count of matching lines.
  • -n (line numbers): Displays line numbers along with matching lines.
  • -E (extended regular expressions): This option allows you to use extended regular expressions. It is not required since egrep always uses extended regular expressions, but it’s good practice to include it for clarity.

Examples of egrep Command in Linux:

Let’s dive into practical examples to showcase the versatility of the egrep command.

Example 1: Basic Text Search
Suppose you have a file named sample.txt with the following content:

Linux is an amazing operating system.
Linux enthusiasts love using Linux.
Linux has a vibrant community.

You can use egrep to search for lines containing the word "Linux":

egrep 'Linux' sample.txt

Output will be:

Linux is an amazing operating system.
Linux enthusiasts love using Linux.
Linux has a vibrant community.

Example 2: Case-Insensitive Search
To perform a case-insensitive search for the word "linux," use the -i option:

egrep -i 'linux' sample.txt

This will match both "Linux" and "linux."

Example 3: Invert Match
To find lines that do not contain the word "Linux," use the -v option:

egrep -v 'Linux' sample.txt

This will return any lines that don’t include "Linux."

Example 4: Searching Multiple Files
You can search for a pattern in multiple files simultaneously. Let’s say you have two files, file1.txt and file2.txt, and you want to find lines containing the word "example" in both files:

egrep 'example' file1.txt file2.txt

This will display matching lines from both file1.txt and file2.txt.

The egrep command is a powerful tool for searching and manipulating text using regular expressions in a Linux environment. With its flexibility and numerous options, you can perform various text-processing tasks efficiently. By mastering egrep and regular expressions, you can streamline your text-related tasks and become more proficient at working with textual data in Linux.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) About egrep Command in Linux

The egrep command is a versatile tool in Linux for searching and manipulating text using regular expressions. Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) related to egrep, along with examples to help you better understand its usage.

1. What is the difference between grep, egrep, and fgrep?

  • grep: The basic grep command uses basic regular expressions (BRE) to perform text searches. It’s case-sensitive and doesn’t support some advanced regex features.
  • egrep: egrep (or grep -E) uses extended regular expressions (ERE) and offers more advanced regex features. It’s case-sensitive by default but can be made case-insensitive with the -i option.
  • fgrep: fgrep (or grep -F) searches for fixed strings, treating the search pattern as literal text without interpreting it as a regular expression. It’s suitable for plain text searches, and it doesn’t support regex features.

2. How can I count the number of lines that match a pattern using egrep?
You can use the -c option to count the number of lines that match a pattern.

egrep -c 'pattern' file.txt

3. Is it possible to display line numbers along with matching lines in egrep?
Yes, you can display line numbers alongside matching lines using the -n option.

egrep -n 'pattern' file.txt

4. How do I recursively search for a pattern in directories and subdirectories?
To search for a pattern in directories and their subdirectories, use the -r option.


egrep -r 'pattern' /path/to/directory/

5. How can I search for a pattern in multiple files?
You can search for a pattern in multiple files by specifying the filenames as arguments after the search pattern.

egrep 'pattern' file1.txt file2.txt file3.txt

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