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zip command in linux with examples

Last Updated on December 11, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

The ‘zip’ command in Linux is a powerful utility that allows users to compress and package files and directories. Whether you are looking to save disk space, streamline file transfers, or create a compressed archive for backup purposes, the ‘zip’ command provides a versatile and efficient solution. In this article, we will explore the various functionalities of the ‘zip’ command, accompanied by illustrative examples.

What is zip command in Linux?

The zip command in Linux is a utility used for compressing and packaging files and directories into a single archive file. It is a standard command-line tool that helps users reduce the size of files and folders for efficient storage, transfer, and backup purposes. The zip command uses the ZIP compression format, a widely used compression method that preserves directory structures and file permissions.

Basic Syntax of zip command in Linux:

The basic syntax of the ‘zip’ command is as follows:

zip options archive_name file1 file2 ... fileN
  • options: Additional settings or flags to customize the compression process.
  • archive_name: The name of the resulting compressed file.
  • file1, file2, …, fileN: The files or directories to be included in the archive.

Examples of Zip Command in Linux

Here are some examples of Zip Command in Linux:

1. Creating a Zip Archive:
To create a zip archive named ‘’ containing files ‘file1.txt’ and ‘file2.txt’, the command is:

zip file1.txt file2.txt

2. Compressing a Directory:
To compress an entire directory and its contents, use the ‘-r’ flag for recursive compression:

zip -r /path/to/directory

3. Excluding Files:
To exclude specific files while creating an archive, use the ‘-x’ option. In this example, we exclude all ‘*.log’ files:

zip * -x "*.log"

4. Setting Compression Level:
The ‘zip’ command allows users to set the compression level using the ‘-9’ flag for maximum compression or ‘-1’ for the fastest compression:

zip -9 file1 file2   # Maximum compression
zip -1 file1 file2   # Fastest compression

5. Viewing Archive Contents:
To list the contents of a zip archive without extracting them, use the ‘-l’ option:

zip -l

6. Extracting Zip Archives:
To extract the contents of a zip archive, use the ‘unzip’ command followed by the archive name:


7. Updating an Existing Archive:
To add new files to an existing zip archive or update existing ones, use the ‘-u’ option:

zip -u newfile.txt

8. Encrypting Zip Archives:
For securing your archives with a password, use the ‘-e’ option:

zip -e file1 file2

9. Creating a Split Archive:
To create a split archive across multiple files, use the ‘-s’ option followed by the desired split size (e.g., 1M for 1 megabyte):

zip -s 1M -r /path/to/large_directory

10. Comparing Zip Archives:
To compare the contents of two zip archives, use the ‘-df’ option

zip -df

The ‘zip’ command in Linux is a versatile tool for managing compressed archives. Whether you are a system administrator looking to save storage space or a user wanting to share files more efficiently, mastering the ‘zip’ command can significantly enhance your workflow. Experiment with different options and incorporate this powerful utility into your Linux experience for seamless compression and archiving.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about the zip Command in Linux

Here are some of the FAQs related to Zip command in Linux:

1. What is the purpose of the zip command in Linux?
The zip command is used to compress and package files and directories into a single archive. It helps reduce file sizes for storage, transfer, and backup purposes.

2. How do I create a zip archive using the zip command?
Use the following syntax: zip archive_name file1 file2 … fileN. Replace "archive_name" with your desired name and list the files to be included.

3. Can I compress entire directories with the zip command?
Yes, you can compress entire directories using the -r option. For example: zip -r /path/to/directory.

4. How can I set the compression level with the zip command?
You can set the compression level using options like -9 for maximum compression or -1 for the fastest compression. For example: zip -9 file1 file2.

5. How do I view the contents of a zip archive without extracting them?
Use the -l option: zip -l This lists the contents of the zip archive without extracting them.

6. Can I encrypt zip archives with a password?
Yes, you can encrypt zip archives with a password using the -e option. For example: zip -e file1 file2.

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