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Delete vs Truncate vs Drop Commands in SQL

Last Updated on November 29, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

In SQL (Structured Query Language), various commands are used to manage database objects and data. Three commonly used commands for removing data or objects from a database are DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP. While they all serve the purpose of removing elements, they have distinct functionalities and implications.

Understanding the differences between these commands is crucial for database administrators, developers, and anyone working with SQL databases. Each command has specific use cases, impacts, and considerations, which are essential to comprehend for effective and safe database management.


Truncate in dbms is a data manipulation command (DML)that is used to delete all data from a table in a database. Unlike the DELETE command, which only removes individual rows, TRUNCATE is a much more efficient and faster method of removing all data from a table, as it doesn’t log the deletion of each row like DELETE. Instead, TRUNCATE deallocates the entire data space associated with the table, making it an ideal choice for deleting large amounts of data quickly. Additionally, TRUNCATE also resets the auto-increment value of the table to its original setting, which is not the case with DELETE.

However, TRUNCATE has some limitations and considerations to keep in mind. Once the data has been truncated, it cannot be recovered, making it a non-reversible operation. Additionally, TRUNCATE is not transaction safe, meaning that the deletion process cannot be rolled back. Furthermore, TRUNCATE may be slower than DELETE in certain situations, particularly if the table has a large number of foreign key constraints or triggers.

In conclusion, TRUNCATE is a powerful command for deleting data from a table, offering significant performance benefits over DELETE, especially for large amounts of data. However, it is essential to understand its limitations and to use it appropriately in your database to avoid any unintended consequences.

Truncate Syntax in Sql:


Python Truncate:

Note: In Python, there is no direct equivalent to the SQL TRUNCATE command. To achieve the same result, you can either delete all rows from a table using a DELETE statement or drop the table and recreate it.

Here is an example using the sqlite3 module to delete all rows from a table:

import sqlite3

conn = sqlite3.connect("test.db")
cursor = conn.cursor()
cursor.execute("DELETE FROM mytable")


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The DROP statement in SQL is a powerful tool used to delete database objects, such as tables, indexes, views, stored procedures, and even entire databases. It is used to remove these objects from the database system and to clean up the database structure. It is a permanent operation and the deleted data cannot be recovered. The basic syntax of the DROP statement is:

DROP [object type] [object name];

Where [object type] can be one of the following: DATABASE, TABLE, INDEX, VIEW, or PROCEDURE, and [object name] is the name of the object you want to delete. For example, to delete a table named "orders", the statement would be:

DROP TABLE orders;

Using the DROP statement can cause data loss, so it should be used with caution and only when necessary. Before using the DROP statement, it is a good idea to back up the data and to carefully consider the consequences of deleting the object. If a DROP statement is executed on a table that has relationships with other tables, it may also cause those relationships to be lost and result in data inconsistencies. To avoid these issues, it is recommended to carefully review the database schema and to carefully plan the DROP operation before executing it.

Drop Syntax in Sql:

DROP TABLE table_name;

DROP object object_name

Examples of Drop:

DROP TABLE table_name;
table_name: Name of the table to be deleted.

DROP DATABASE database_name;
database_name: Name of the database to be deleted.


The DELETE command in SQL is used to remove data from a database table and it does not delete table actually. It is an important operation for data management and requires careful attention to avoid accidental data loss. The DELETE command is used with a WHERE clause to specify which rows should be deleted. The syntax for a basic DELETE command is as follows:

Delete Syntax in Sql:

DELETE FROM table_name WHERE some_column = some_value

It is important to use the WHERE clause with the DELETE command, as, without it, all rows in the table will be deleted. The WHERE clause is used to filter the rows that will be deleted based on certain conditions. The DELETE command is used in scenarios where you need to remove outdated, duplicate, or irrelevant data. It can also be used as part of a larger data cleaning or data management process. It’s important to remember to back up your data before performing a DELETE operation, to ensure that any accidental data loss can be recovered. To summarize, the DELETE command is a powerful tool in SQL, allowing you to manage and maintain the data in your database tables.

Difference between Delete and Truncate

The DELETE and TRUNCATE commands in SQL is used to remove data from a database table, but they have some key differences:

  • Purpose: DELETE is used to delete specific rows from a table, while TRUNCATE is used to remove all data from a table.
  • Performance: TRUNCATE is faster than DELETE as it only deallocates the data space and does not log each row deletion. DELETE logs each row deletion, making it slower for large amounts of data.
  • Data recovery: DELETE allows for rollback and recovery of data if the transaction is not committed, while TRUNCATE is a non-reversible operation. Once data is truncated, it cannot be recovered.
  • Auto-increment values: TRUNCATE resets the auto-increment value of a table to its original setting, while DELETE does not.
  • Constraints and triggers: DELETE may be slower than TRUNCATE if the table has a large number of foreign key constraints or triggers. TRUNCATE does not activate these constraints or triggers.

In conclusion, TRUNCATE is faster and more efficient for removing all data from a table, while DELETE is more flexible for removing specific rows and allows for data recovery.

Difference between Delete and Drop

The DELETE and DROP commands in SQL is used to remove data or objects from a database, but they have different purposes:

  • Purpose: DELETE is used to remove specific rows of data from a table, while DROP is used to completely remove an entire database object such as a table, index, or view.
  • Data recovery: DELETE allows for rollback and recovery of data if the transaction is not committed, while DROP is a non-reversible operation. Once an object is dropped, it cannot be recovered.
  • Impact on other objects: DELETE only affects the data in a table, while DROP may have implications on other database objects that depend on the object being dropped.
  • Performance: DROP is faster than DELETE for removing large amounts of data as it only requires one operation to remove the entire object. DELETE may be slower for large amounts of data as it logs each row deletion.

In conclusion, DELETE is used to remove specific rows of data from a table, while DROP is used to completely remove an entire database object. DROP is a non-reversible operation and may have implications on other objects, while DELETE allows for data recovery and only affects data in a table. So these are the main delete and drop difference

Difference between Truncate and Drop

So these are the main difference between drop and truncate commands.

The DROP and TRUNCATE commands in SQL are used to remove data or objects from a database, but they have different purposes and impacts:

  • Purpose: DROP is used to completely remove an entire database object such as a table, index, or view, while TRUNCATE is used to remove all data from a table.
  • Data recovery: DROP is a non-reversible operation, while TRUNCATE is also a non-reversible operation.
  • Impact on other objects: DROP may have implications on other database objects that depend on the object being dropped, while TRUNCATE only affects the data in the table being truncated.
  • Performance: TRUNCATE is faster than DROP for removing large amounts of data as it only requires one operation to remove the entire data. DROP may be slower as it requires removing the entire object.
  • Auto-increment values: TRUNCATE resets the auto-increment value of a table to its original setting, while DROP does not affect auto-increment values.

DROP is used to completely remove an entire database object, while TRUNCATE is used to remove all data from a table. TRUNCATE is faster for removing large amounts of data, but both DROP and TRUNCATE are non-reversible operations. DROP may have implications on other objects, while TRUNCATE only affects the data in the table is truncated. So these are the main truncate and drop difference

Understanding the nuances and differences between DELETE, TRUNCATE, and DROP commands is crucial for efficient database management. Each command serves a distinct purpose and has varying impacts on data and database structure.

Using the appropriate command in different scenarios ensures data integrity, optimizes performance, and prevents unintended consequences such as data loss or structural damage within the database.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions) related to Delete vs Truncate vs Drop Commands in SQL

Here are some FAQs related to Delete vs Truncate vs Drop Commands in SQL.

1. What happens if I use DELETE without a WHERE clause?
If DELETE is used without a WHERE clause, it removes all rows from the specified table, similar to TRUNCATE. However, DELETE is a logged operation and triggers associated with deleted rows may be fired, unlike TRUNCATE.

2. Can I roll back a TRUNCATE or DROP operation?
No, both TRUNCATE and DROP operations are not transactional and cannot be rolled back. Once executed, the data or object is permanently removed.

3. Which command is more efficient: DELETE or TRUNCATE?
TRUNCATE is generally more efficient than DELETE as it is a non-logged operation and doesn’t generate individual delete operations for each row. It quickly removes all rows from a table, whereas DELETE operates on a row-by-row basis.

4. Is there any way to recover data after using TRUNCATE or DROP?
In most cases, once data is truncated or objects are dropped, recovery becomes challenging or impossible. Regular backups are recommended to prevent data loss in such scenarios.

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