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C Program to Find Area of Circle

Last Updated on November 1, 2023 by Ankit Kochar

The concept of the circle’s area holds a pivotal position in the realm of mathematics. It is defined as the measure of space enclosed within the boundary of a circle. To determine the area of a circle, one can employ a straightforward formula: multiplying the square of the radius by the constant value pi (π). In this discussion, our focus is solely on calculating the area of a circle when provided with its radius. Given the radius as input, we will embark on an in-depth exploration to compute the circle’s area using the C programming language. While the mathematical formula for calculating the area of a circle is well-known, translating it into a logical C program poses a challenging task. Join us in examining a C program specifically crafted for this purpose—finding the area of a circle. In this discourse, we shall elucidate the steps involved in calculating the area of a circle using the C language.
Everyone knows the basics of mathematics,
For finding the area of a circle, we can get this by performing some calculations area = pieradiusradius.


Area = Pie * Radius * Radius

Where value of pie = 3.14 and radius will be given by the user.

Algorithm for C Program to Find Area of Circle

Here we have steps of the algorithm to find area of circle program in C

  1. Enter the radius of the circle from the user.
  2. Initialize the value of the pie with 3.14.
  3. Calculate the area of the circle with the formula area = pieradiusradius.
  4. Last print the resultant i.e. area of the circle.

Code Implementation for C Program to Find Area of Circle

#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
   float pie = 3.14;
   int radius;
   printf("Enter The Radius of Cicle:");
   printf("The radius of the circle is %d\n" , radius);
   float area = (float)(pie* radius * radius);
   printf("The area of the given circle is %f", area);
   return 0;


The radius of the circle is 10
The area of the given circle is 314.000000

In the above C program, we calculate the area of circle program in c. This C program prompts the user to enter the radius of a circle, calculates its area using the formula pi radius radius, and prints the result to the console. The program includes header files and declares variables for pie and radius, uses the scanf() function to read the user input, calculates the area, and outputs the result using the printf() function.

Time Complexity of program to calculate area of circle
O(1) will be the time complexity for the c program to find area of circle as we are using only a mathematical formula for that.

Space Complexity program to calculate area of circle
O(1) will be the space complexity as there is no extra space used for
solving c program to find area of circle.

In the world of mathematics and programming, calculating the area of a circle is a fundamental concept. By utilizing the formula that involves squaring the radius and multiplying it by the constant π, one can determine the area of a circle. This article delves into the intricacies of implementing this calculation in a C program, bridging the gap between mathematical theory and practical coding. Through this exploration, we have provided insights into how to create logic for solving this problem efficiently using the C programming language.

Frequently Asked Questions related to C Program to Find Area of Circle

FAQs on the program to calculate area of circle

1. Why is it important to calculate the area of a circle?
Calculating the area of a circle is essential in various fields, including geometry, physics, engineering, and computer graphics. It forms the basis for solving problems related to circular shapes and their properties.

2. What is the formula for finding the area of a circle?
The formula to calculate the area of a circle is: Area = π * (radius^2), where π (pi) is a constant approximately equal to 3.14159.

3. Can the same program be used to find the area of a circle with a different programming language?
Yes, the formula and logic for calculating the area of a circle remain the same across different programming languages. You may need to adjust the syntax and input/output methods according to the language you’re using.

4. Are there any libraries or functions available in C for calculating the area of a circle?
C does not provide built-in functions for calculating the area of a circle, but you can define your own functions if you need to perform this calculation multiple times in your program.

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