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date Command Linux Examples

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

In the realm of Linux systems, the date command serves as a versatile tool for displaying and manipulating date and time information. From simply displaying the current date and time to formatting it for use in scripts or system logs, the date command offers a wide array of functionalities. This article aims to explore the capabilities of the date command in Linux, providing comprehensive examples that showcase its usage for displaying, setting, and formatting date and time information. By delving into practical examples, this guide aims to empower users with the knowledge to effectively utilize the date command in various scenarios within the Linux environment.

What is date command linux with examples?

The date command in Linux is a versatile utility used to display, set, or manipulate the system’s date and time information from the command line. It offers various options and formatting capabilities to show the current date and time in different formats, set the system clock, calculate elapsed time, and perform other date-related operations.

Here are several examples illustrating the usage of the date command:

Example 1: Displaying the Current Date and Time


This command will output the current date and time in the default format defined by the system.

Example 2: Formatting Date and Time

date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S”

This command formats the output to display the date and time in the YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format.

Example 3: Setting the System Date and Time

sudo date -s "2023-11-28 14:30:00”

This command sets the system date and time to November 28, 2023, at 14:30:00. Note: This operation usually requires superuser privileges (sudo).

Example 4: Displaying the Date and Time in a Specific Timezone

date -d 'TZ="America/New_York" 14:30’

This command displays the date and time at 14:30 in the specified timezone ("America/New_York" timezone in this case).

Example 5: Calculating Future or Past Dates

date -d "tomorrow"
date -d "2 days ago”

These commands calculate and display the date for tomorrow and two days ago, respectively.

Example 6: Converting a Timestamp to a Readable Date

date -d @1638097600

This command converts the UNIX timestamp 1638097600 to a readable date and time.

Example 7: Displaying Day of the Week

date +"%A”

This command displays the current day of the week (e.g., Monday, Tuesday, etc.) using the %A format specifier.

Example 8: Displaying the Calendar of a Specific Month and Year

cal 12 2023

This command displays the calendar for December 2023.

The date command in Linux is highly flexible, offering a wide range of options for displaying, formatting, and manipulating date and time information, making it a powerful tool for system administrators, developers, and users handling various date-related tasks from the command line.

The date command in Linux stands as a fundamental utility for handling date and time-related operations within the command-line interface. Throughout this article, we’ve explored the diverse functionalities offered by the date command, showcasing its versatility in displaying, setting, and formatting date and time information.

Whether it’s displaying the current date and time in a specific format, modifying timestamps, or incorporating date-related data into scripts, the date command offers an array of options. By mastering the date command’s syntax and understanding its numerous flags and formatting options, users can efficiently manage date and time information within their Linux systems.

As a vital tool in the Linux command-line arsenal, the date command proves invaluable in various scenarios, from system administration tasks to script automation and log management. Its flexibility and ease of use make it a go-to solution for handling date and time-related operations, enhancing productivity within the Linux environment.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) on date Command in Linux

Below are some FAQs related to Date Command in Linux.

Q1: How do I display the current date and time using the date command?
You can display the current date and time by simply typing date in the terminal.

Q2: How can I format the output of the date command?
You can format the date command output using formatting options like %Y for year, %m for month, %d for day, %H for hour, %M for minute, %S for second, and more. For example: date +"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S" will display the date and time in the specified format.

Q3: How can I set the system date and time using the date command?
To set the system date and time, use the date command with the -s flag followed by the desired date and time. For example: sudo date -s "2023-11-28 14:30:00".

Q4: Can I display the date and time of a specific timezone?
Yes, you can display the date and time of a specific timezone using the -d flag followed by the timezone. For example: date -d ‘TZ="America/New_York" 14:30’.

Q5: How can I calculate future or past dates using the date command?
You can calculate future or past dates by using relative time expressions with the -d flag. For instance: date -d "tomorrow", date -d "2 days ago", etc.

Q6: How do I convert a timestamp to a readable date using the date command?
You can convert a timestamp to a readable date by using the -d flag followed by the timestamp. For example: date -d @1638097600.

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