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echo command in linux with examples

Last Updated on November 30, 2023 by Abhishek Sharma

The echo command is a versatile and fundamental tool in the Linux command-line environment. Its primary purpose is to display text on the terminal. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced user, understanding the ins and outs of the echo command is essential for effective shell scripting and day-to-day tasks.

What is echo command in Linux?

In Linux, the echo command is used to display messages or text to the terminal or to redirect it to a file. It is a simple command that takes the text or variables as arguments and prints them to the standard output.

Basic Syntax of echo command in linux

The basic syntax of the echo command is straightforward:


Here, [OPTIONS] can include various modifiers, and [STRING] represents the text or variables you want to display.

Printing Text
The most straightforward use of echo is to display text on the terminal. For example:

echo "Hello, Linux!"

This command will output "Hello, Linux!" to the terminal.

Escape Characters
The echo command supports escape characters to format the output. Some commonly used escape characters include:

\n: Newline
\t: Tab
\b: Backspace

For example:

echo -e "Line 1\nLine 2"

The -e option enables the interpretation of escape characters, resulting in a two-line output.

Variables and Expressions
You can use variables and expressions with echo to display dynamic content. For instance:

echo "Hello, $name!"

This will output "Hello, User!" by substituting the value of the variable name into the string.

Command Substitution
The echo command allows you to capture the output of another command and display it. This is known as command substitution. For example:

echo "Today is $(date)"

Here, the $(date) command is executed, and its output (current date and time) is displayed within the larger string.

Redirecting Output
You can redirect the output of echo to a file using the > or >> operators. For example:

echo "Save this line to a file" > output.txt

This will create a file named output.txt with the specified text. The > operator overwrites the file if it already exists, while >> appends to the file.

Controlling Spaces
The -n option prevents the addition of a newline character at the end of the output. This is useful when you want to concatenate multiple echo statements on the same line:

echo -n "This is a "
echo "single line."

This will result in "This is a single line." being displayed on the terminal.

The echo command is a simple yet powerful tool for displaying text in the Linux terminal. Whether you’re printing static messages, dynamic content with variables, or the output of other commands, echo is a go-to command for manipulating and presenting information. By mastering the echo command, you enhance your ability to work efficiently in the Linux command-line environment and streamline your scripting tasks.

FAQs related to echo command in linux with examples

Here are some of the FAQs related to echo command in linux with examples:

1. What is the primary purpose of the echo command in Linux?
The echo command is used to display text on the terminal.

2. How can I display a message with line breaks using echo?
Use the -e option with escape characters, such as \n for a newline. For example: echo -e "Line 1\nLine 2".

3. Can I use variables with the echo command?
Yes, variables can be used with echo to display dynamic content. For example: name="User"; echo "Hello, $name!".

4. What is command substitution in the context of the echo command?
Command substitution allows you to capture the output of another command and display it using echo. For example: echo "Today is $(date)".

5. How can I redirect the output of echo to a file?
You can use the > or >> operators for redirection. For example: echo "Text" > output.txt to overwrite or echo "Text" >> output.txt to append.

6. What does the -n option do in the echo command?
The -n option prevents the addition of a newline character at the end of the output. It is useful for concatenating multiple echo statements on the same line.

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