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Even Odd Program in Python

Last Updated on May 16, 2023 by Prepbytes

Even numbers are the numbers that can be completely divided by 2 without leaving any remainder. On the other hand, odd numbers are those numbers that can not be completely divided by 2 (leaves a remainder when divided by 2). We can code the even-odd program in Python using divisibility logic and a bitwise operator.

What is Even Odd Program in Python?

We need first to understand the even and odd integers before learning about the even-odd program in Python.

The only integers that may be divided by two entirely without leaving a residue are even numbers. Even numbers usually come to a conclusion with 0, 2, 4, 6, or 8. If a number is really large, we may quickly determine whether it is even or not by simply glancing at the final digit.

It is even that 74. 74 is entirely divisible by 2, as it has a 4 as its last digit.

Contrarily, odd numbers leave a leftover when divided by two, meaning that they cannot be entirely divided by two. Odd numbers always have a final value of 1, 3, 5, 7, or 9. If a number is really large, we may readily determine if it is odd or not by looking at the final digit, just like with even numbers.

71 is an odd number. 71 finishes in a 1, and when split by 2, 71 leaves a leftover of 1.

As a result, it is clear that determining the even and odd integers relies heavily on the number 2. So let’s use the logic of divisibility to create an even and odd programme in Python.

Note: The number 0 is considered an even number. As 0 ends with one of the numbers (0, 2, 4, 6, 8).

Even Odd Program in Python Explanation

A number is taken into account even though it can be divided by two equally. The remainders that are not perfectly divisible by two are known as odd numbers. Simply expressed, odd numbers adopt the form n = 2k+1, while even numbers take the form n = 2k. Each integer will be made up of either even or odd numbers. How to use a Python program to determine whether a number is even or odd will be covered in this blog.
To determine if a particular number is even or odd, there are a lot of techniques we might employ.
Let’s look at each of them individually.

Even Odd Program Algorithm:

  • Read or enter the number.
  • The number is even if n%2==0.
  • Otherwise, the number is odd.
  • Display the results.

Odd & Even Program Pseudocode

IF (integer modulo 2) equals to 0
   PRINT number is even
   PRINT number is odd

Let’s now study the Program to Check Even or Odd algorithm.

Method 1: Odd-even program in python using the modulus operator

This technique shows a Python program that uses the modulus operator to determine whether a number is odd or even.The number will be divided by two. The integer is an even number if it is entirely divided by 2. Otherwise, the number is an odd number, not an even number.

Code Implementation of Even Odd Program

num = 10
if num % 2 == 0:
    print("Entered Number is Even")
    print("Entered Number is Odd")


Entered Number is Even

Method 2: Python program to find odd or even using a bitwise operator

To determine whether something is odd or even, use the bitwise AND (&) operator. Consider the binary representation of 7 (0111), which is (7 & 1 = 1). You may have noticed that the least significant digit of every odd integer is 1. As a result, both (even_number & 1) and (odd_number & 1) are always 1.

Even Odd Program Code Implementation

n = 10
if (n & 1) == 1:



We had discussed two different approaches to implement even odd program in python. The first approach used the modulo operator to check if a number is even or odd. This method is simple and straightforward but can be slow for large numbers due to the expensive modulo operation. The second approach used the bitwise AND operator to check the least significant bit of the number. This method is faster and more efficient for larger numbers as bitwise operations are faster than modulo operations. Additionally, this method can be extended to check the parity of multiple numbers simultaneously.

FAQ related to Even Odd Program in Java

Q1. Which approach is faster for larger numbers, modulo or bitwise AND operator?
Ans. The bitwise AND operator is faster for larger numbers as bitwise operations are faster than modulo operations.

Q2. Which approach is simpler and more straightforward for beginners, modulo or bitwise AND operator?
Ans. The modulo operator approach is simpler and more straightforward for beginners as it uses a basic arithmetic operation.

Q3. Can the bitwise AND operator approach be extended to check the parity of multiple numbers simultaneously?
Yes, the bitwise AND operator approach can be extended to check the parity of multiple numbers simultaneously, which can be useful in some applications.

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